
prof. dr. F.L.J. (Frank) Visseren

prof. dr. F.L.J. (Frank) Visseren

Full Professor
prof. dr. F.L.J. (Frank) Visseren
  • Internal Medicine

Research Programs

Circulatory Health



Frank Visseren (1965) is Internist, Epidemiologist and Professor in Vascular Medicine at the University Medical Center in Utrecht. He is head of the Department of Vascular Medicine and responsible for patient care, research, and teaching. The Department of Vascular Medicine at the UMC Utrecht consists of Internists, Fellows, Research Nurses and PhD students. His main research interest is in the field of insulin resistance and vascular diseases and consists of basic, translational and epidemiologic research covering etiology, therapy, prognosis and diagnosis. There is a focus on (visceral) adipose tissue and development of atherosclerosis, atherotrombosis and diabetes. An other research focus is on translating the results of large clinical trials to invidivual patients, in collaboration with (inter)national partners. He is (co-)author of over 300 publications and associate editor of 2 scientific journals. The GCP certified research unit of the Department of Vascular Medicine performs state-of-the-art non-invasive vascular imaging tests including FMD, FBF, PWV, fingertip plethysmography, IMT and HRV. There is broad experience with industry-sponsored clinical trials in the field of Vascular Medicine, Cardiology and Diabetology and he also serves as sponsor of multi-national investigator initiated studies. He is the clinical director of the Second Manifestations of ARTerial disease (SMART) cohort at the UMC Utrecht. This is a cohort with over 13,000 patients with vascular diseases and/or type 2 diabetes or severe hypertension or familial hyperlipidemia, growing with 800 patients annually, for etiologic, prognostic, diagnostic and therapeutic research. He was (co-)supervisor of 30 thesis and currently involved in the supervision of 11  PhD students.

The clinical work of the Department of Vascular Medicine is concentrated around patients at high risk for the development of cardiovascular diseases including patients with Familial Hypercholesterolemia, patients with therapy-resistant hypertension and patients with diabetes and vascular disease. He strongly believes in a multidisciplinary, patient-centered approach in the treatment of patients at high risk for the development of (new) vascular diseases.

Teaching covers first year Medical Students to clinical specialty training in Vascular Medicine. He is member of the Concilium Medicinae Internae and chairman of the section Vascular Medicine of the Dutch Internal Medicine Society.

Side Activities

Chairman ESC 2021 Cardiovascular Prevention Guideline Task Force (2019-2021)

Member board Vascular Medicine, Dutch Internal Medicine Association (NIV) (2006- ongoing)

Member National guideline committee Cardio Vascular Risk Management (CVRM) (2016-2019, 2021- ongoing)

Member National guideline committee addendum CVRM for elderly (2015-2019)

Member National guideline committee addendum (Genetic) Dyslipidemia (2015-2019)

Chairman ‘Writing committee Facts & Figures’ (Commissie Cijfers) Dutch Heart Foundation (2009-2020)

Research Output (568)

Validation of spot urine in estimating 24-h urinary sodium, potassium and sodium-to-potassium ratio during three different sodium diets in healthy adults

Groenland Eline H., Vendeville Jean Paul A.C., Bots Michiel L., Visseren Frank L.J., Musson Ruben E.A., Spiering Wilko Dec 2023, In: Blood pressure. 32

Reply:C-Reactive Protein and Heart Failure in Patients With Established Cardiovascular Disease: Evidence From UK Biobank

Burger Pascal M., Visseren Frank L.J., Dorresteijn Jannick A.N. 14 Nov 2023, In: Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 82 , p. e193-e193

Validating the SMART2 Score in a Racially Diverse High-Risk Nationwide Cohort of Patients Receiving Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting

Deo Salil V, Althouse Andrew, Al-Kindi Sadeer, McAllister David A, Orkaby Ariela, Elgudin Yakov E, Fremes Stephen, Chu Danny, Visseren Frank L J, Pell Jill P, Sattar Naveed 7 Nov 2023, In: Journal of the American Heart Association. 12 , p. 1-10

Intima-media thickness at the near or far wall of the common carotid artery in cardiovascular risk assessment

Seekircher Lisa, Tschiderer Lena, Lind Lars, Safarova Maya S., Kavousi Maryam, Ikram M. Arfan, Lonn Eva, Yusuf Salim, Grobbee Diederick E., Kastelein John J.P., Visseren Frank L.J., Walters Matthew, Dawson Jesse, Higgins Peter, Agewall Stefan, Catapano Alberico, De Groot Eric, Espeland Mark A., Klingenschmid Gerhard, Magliano Dianna, Olsen Michael H., Preiss David, Sander Dirk, Skilton Michael, Zozulińska-Ziółkiewicz Dorota A., Grooteman Muriel P.C., Blankestijn Peter J., Kitagawa Kazuo, Okazaki Shuhei, Manzi Maria V., Mancusi Costantino, Izzo Raffaele, Desvarieux Moise, Rundek Tatjana, Gerstein Hertzel C., Bots Michiel L., Sweeting Michael J., Lorenz Matthias W., Willeit Peter 1 Sep 2023, In: European heart journal open. 3

C-Reactive Protein and Risk of Incident Heart Failure in Patients With Cardiovascular Disease

Burger Pascal M, Koudstaal Stefan, Mosterd Arend, Fiolet Aernoud T L, Teraa Martin, van der Meer Manon G, Cramer Maarten J, Visseren Frank L J, Ridker Paul M, Dorresteijn Jannick A N, 1 Aug 2023, In: Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 82 , p. 414-426 13 p.

Compliance with the DASH diet and risk of all-cause and cardiovascular mortality in patients with myocardial infarction

Bonekamp Nadia E., Cruijsen Esther, Visseren Frank LJ, van der Schouw Yvonne T., Geleijnse Johanna M., Koopal Charlotte Aug 2023, In: Clinical Nutrition. 42 , p. 1418-1426 9 p.

SCORE2-Diabetes:10-year cardiovascular risk estimation in type 2 diabetes in Europe

Pennells Lisa et al. 21 Jul 2023, In: European heart journal. 44 , p. 2544-2556 13 p.

Temporal Trends and Determinants of Stroke Risk in Patients With Medically Treated Asymptomatic Carotid Stenosis

Poorthuis Michiel H F, Solomon Yoel, Herings Reinier A R, Visseren Frank L J, Kappelle L Jaap, Bots Michiel L, Rissanen Ina, de Borst Gert J 1 Jul 2023, In: Stroke. 54 , p. 1735-1749 15 p.

The relevance of competing risk adjustment in cardiovascular risk prediction models for clinical practice

Hageman Steven H J, Dorresteijn Jannick A N, Pennells Lisa, van Smeden Maarten, Bots Michiel L, Di Angelantonio Emanuele, Visseren Frank L J 20 Jun 2023, In: European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. 30 , p. 1741-1747 7 p.

C-Reactive Protein and Risk of Cardiovascular Events and Mortality in Patients with Various Cardiovascular Disease Locations

Burger Pascal M, Pradhan Aruna D, Dorresteijn Jannick A N, Koudstaal Stefan, Teraa Martin, de Borst Gert J, van der Meer Manon G, Mosterd Arend, Ridker Paul M, Visseren Frank L J, 15 Jun 2023, In: The American Journal of Cardiology. 197 , p. 13-23 11 p.

All research output

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