
prof. dr. B.K. (Birgitta) Velthuis

prof. dr. B.K. (Birgitta) Velthuis

Full Professor
prof. dr. B.K. (Birgitta) Velthuis
  • Research group Heart-Brain axis

Research Programs



Prof. dr. Birgitta Velthuis (1964) completed her medical and radiology training in Utrecht, the Netherlands. She obtained her PhD degree: “CT angiography in patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage” in 1998 in Utrecht. Since 1999 she works as a radiologist in the University Medical Center Utrecht (UMCU) and is specialized in cardiovascular and neurovascular non-invasive CT and MRI imaging. She is Professor in Radiology of the Heart-Brain axis at the University of Utrecht, and serves on the board of the European Society of Cardiovascular Radiology (ESCR), the Netherlands Vascular Forum (NVF) and the cluster Cardiovascular Risk Management (CVRM). Her work is divided between patient care, teaching and research. 
Her neurovascular research concentrates on CT and MRI imaging in patients with ischemic stroke, intracerebral haemorrhage, and subarachnoid haemorrhage. Her cardiovascular research focuses on imaging of cardiomyopathies, heart failure, gender and sports cardiology. Artificial intelligence and high field strength MRI have also become important parts of her research work
The heart-brain axis work focuses especially on imaging cardioembolic sources of acute ischemic stroke, atherosclerosis at different locations along the heart-brain axis and factors related to stress cardiomyopathy.

Side Activities

Board member of the European Society of Cardiovascular Radiology (ESCR).

Board member of the Netherlands Vascular Forum (NVF).

Board member of the cluster Cardiovascular Risk Management (CVRM). 

Occasional advisory role and presentator for Philips Healthcare.


Incidentele presentaties (vergoed aan organisatie dan wel zonder bezoldiging), waaronder als meest recente:

Sanofi Genzyme Landelijke Bijeenkomst Sportcardiologie, januari 2020 (vergoed aan organisatie)

Netherlands Heart Days, januari 2020

SWC, februari en september 2020 en in 2021 (vergoed aan organisatie)

ESCR, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 (geen bezoldiging) 

The fil rouge of atherosclerosis, 2021 (geen bezoldiging)

CVOI hartfalen, 2022 (vergoed aan organisatie)

presentaties en workshop voor Philips Multidetector CT User Meeting, juni 2022, Keulen (vergoed aan organisatie)

ECMINT Oxford, juni 2022 (vergoeding niet aangevraagd)

EANM Multidisciplinary Days online (geen bezoldiging)


Research Output (308)

Exploring the EVolution in PrognOstic CapabiLity of MUltisequence Cardiac MagneTIc ResOnance in PatieNts Affected by Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy Based on Machine Learning Analysis:Design and Rationale of the EVOLUTION Study

Cau Riccardo, Muscogiuri Giuseppe, Pisu Francesco, Gatti Marco, Velthuis Birgitta, Loewe Christian, Cademartiri Filippo, Pontone Gianluca, Montisci Roberta, Guglielmo Marco, Sironi Sandro, Esposito Antonio, Francone Marco, Dacher Nicholas, Peebles Charles, Bastarrika Gorka, Salgado Rodrigo, Saba Luca 1 Nov 2023, In: Journal of thoracic imaging. 38 , p. 391-398 8 p.

Trabecular bone density in middle-aged women with reproductive disorders

van Zwol-Janssens Charissa, Hage Aglaia, van der Ham Kim, Velthuis Birgitta K., Budde Ricardo P.J., Koster Maria P.H., Franx Arie, Fauser Bart C.J.M., Boersma Eric, Bos Daniel, Laven Joop S.E., Louwers Yvonne V., Nov 2023, In: Endocrine connections. 12

Cardiac CT in CRT as a Singular Imaging Modality for Diagnosis and Patient-Tailored Management

Gerrits Willem, Danad Ibrahim, Velthuis Birgitta, Mushtaq Saima, Cramer Maarten J., van der Harst Pim, van Slochteren Frebus J., Meine Mathias, Suchá Dominika, Guglielmo Marco Oct 2023, In: Journal of Clinical medicine. 12

Aneurysm Prevalence and Quality of Life During Screening in Relatives of Patients With Unruptured Intracranial Aneurysms:A Prospective Study

Mensing Liselore A., van Tuijl Rick J., Greving Jacoba P., Velthuis Birgitta K., van der Schaaf Irene C., Wermer Marieke J.H., Verbaan Dagmar, Vandertop W. Peter, Zuithoff Nicolaas P.A., Rinkel Gabriël J.E., Ruigrok Ynte M. 29 Aug 2023, In: Neurology. 101 , p. e904-e912

Change in Androgenic Status and Cardiometabolic Profile of Middle-Aged Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

van der Ham Kim, Koster Maria P.H., Velthuis Birgitta K., Budde Ricardo P.J., Fauser Bart C.J.M., Laven Joop S.E., Louwers Yvonne V. Aug 2023, In: Journal of Clinical medicine. 12 , p. 1-11

Body surface potential mapping detects early disease onset in plakophilin-2-pathogenic variant carriers

Kloosterman Manon, Boonstra Machteld J, Roudijk Rob W, Bourfiss Mimount, van der Schaaf Iris, Velthuis Birgitta K, Eijsvogels Thijs M H, Kirkels Feddo P, van Dam Peter M, Loh Peter 4 Jul 2023, In: Europace : European pacing, arrhythmias, and cardiac electrophysiology : journal of the working groups on cardiac pacing, arrhythmias, and cardiac cellular electrophysiology of the European Society of Cardiology. 25 , p. 1-12

Plasma Advanced Glycation End Products and Dicarbonyl Compounds Are Not Associated with Coronary Atherosclerosis in Athletes

Berge Kristian, Aengevaeren Vincent L., Mosterd Arend, Velthuis Birgitta K., Lyngbakken Magnus N., Omland TorbjØrn, Schalkwijk Casper G., Eijsvogels Thijs M.H. 1 Jul 2023, In: Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 55 , p. 1143-1150 8 p.

Druggable proteins influencing cardiac structure and function:Implications for heart failure therapies and cancer cardiotoxicity

Schmidt Amand F, Bourfiss Mimount, Alasiri Abdulrahman, Puyol-Anton Esther, Chopade Sandesh, van Vugt Marion, van der Laan Sander W, Gross Christian, Clarkson Chris, Henry Albert, Lumbers Tom R, van der Harst Pim, Franceschini Nora, Bis Joshua C, Velthuis Birgitta K, Te Riele Anneline S J M, Hingorani Aroon D, Ruijsink Bram, Asselbergs Folkert W, van Setten Jessica, Finan Chris 28 Apr 2023, In: Science advances. 9 17 p.

Calibration techniques for node classification using graph neural networks on medical image data

Vos Iris, Bhat Ishaan, Velthuis Birgitta, Ruigrok Ynte, Kuijf Hugo 5 Apr 2023,

Spatial CT perfusion data helpful in automatically locating vessel occlusions for acute ischemic stroke patients

Peerlings D, de Jong Hugo, Bennink E, Dankbaar Jan Willem, Velthuis Birgitta, Emmer Bart J, Majoie C.B., Marquering H. A., 29 Mar 2023, In: Frontiers in Neurology. 14

All research output

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