
prof. dr. J.H. (Jan) Veldink

prof. dr. J.H. (Jan) Veldink

Full Professor

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Research Output (298)

Frequency of euthanasia, factors associated with end-of-life practices, and quality of end-of-life care in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in the Netherlands:a population-based cohort study

van Eenennaam Remko M, Kruithof Willeke, Beelen Anita, Bakker Leonhard A, van Eijk Ruben P A, Maessen Maud, Baardman Joost F, Visser-Meily Johanna M A, Veldink Jan H, van den Berg Leonard H Jul 2023, In: The Lancet. Neurology. 22 , p. 591-601 11 p.

Development of a Rasch-Built Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Impairment Multidomain Scale to Measure Disease Progression in ALS

de Jongh Adriaan D, van Eijk Ruben P A, Bakker Leonhard A, Bunte Tommy M, Beelen Anita, van der Meijden Conny, van Es Michael A, Visser-Meily Johanna, Kruitwagen Esther T, Veldink Jan H, van den Berg Leonard H 13 Jun 2023, In: Neurology. 101 , p. E602-E612

Genetic variability in sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

Van Daele Sien Hilde, Moisse Matthieu, van Vugt Joke J F A, Zwamborn Ramona A J, van der Spek Rick, van Rheenen Wouter, Van Eijk Kristel, Kenna Kevin, Corcia Philippe, Vourc'h Patrick, Couratier Philippe, Hardiman Orla, McLaughin Russell, Gotkine Marc, Drory Vivian, Ticozzi Nicola, Silani Vincenzo, Ratti Antonia, de Carvalho Mamede, Mora Pardina Jesús S, Povedano Monica, Andersen Peter M, Weber Markus, Başak Nazli A, Shaw Chris, Shaw Pamela J, Morrison Karen E, Landers John E, Glass Jonathan D, van Es Michael, van den Berg Leonard H, Al-Chalabi Ammar, Veldink Jan, Van Damme Philip 12 Apr 2023, In: Brain : a journal of neurology. 146 , p. 3760-3769 10 p.

The contribution of Neanderthal introgression and natural selection to neurodegenerative diseases

Chen Zhongbo, Reynolds Regina H, Pardiñas Antonio F, Gagliano Taliun Sarah A, van Rheenen Wouter, Lin Kuang, Shatunov Aleksey, Gustavsson Emil K, Fogh Isabella, Jones Ashley R, Robberecht Wim, Corcia Philippe, Chiò Adriano, Shaw Pamela J, Morrison Karen E, Veldink Jan H, van den Berg Leonard H, Shaw Christopher E, Powell John F, Silani Vincenzo, Hardy John A, Houlden Henry, Owen Michael J, Turner Martin R, Ryten Mina, Al-Chalabi Ammar 15 Mar 2023, In: Neurobiology of Disease. 180 8 p.

Association Between Serum Lipids and Survival in Patients With Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis:A Meta-analysis and Population-Based Study

Janse Van Mantgem Mark R., Van Rheenen Wouter, Hackeng Anemone V., Van Es Michael A., Veldink Jan H., Van Den Berg Leonard H., Van Eijk Ruben P.A. 7 Mar 2023, In: Neurology. 100 , p. E1062-E1071

Genetic Risk Score for Intracranial Aneurysms:Prediction of Subarachnoid Hemorrhage and Role in Clinical Heterogeneity

Bakker Mark K., Kanning Jos P., Abraham Gad, Martinsen Amy E., Winsvold Bendik S., Zwart John Anker, Bourcier Romain, Sawada Tomonobu, Koido Masaru, Kamatani Yoichiro, Morel Sandrine, Amouyel Philippe, Debette Stéphanie, Bijlenga Philippe, Berrandou Takiy, Ganesh Santhi K., Bouatia-Naji Nabila, Jones Gregory, Bown Matthew, Rinkel Gabriel J.E., Veldink Jan H., Ruigrok Ynte M., 1 Mar 2023, In: Stroke. 54 , p. 810-818 9 p.

Large-scale analyses of CAV1 and CAV2 suggest their expression is higher in post-mortem ALS brain tissue and affects survival

Adey Brett N, Cooper-Knock Johnathan, Al Khleifat Ahmad, Fogh Isabella, van Damme Philip, Corcia Philippe, Couratier Philippe, Hardiman Orla, McLaughlin Russell, Gotkine Marc, Drory Vivian, Silani Vincenzo, Ticozzi Nicola, Veldink Jan H, van den Berg Leonard H, de Carvalho Mamede, Pinto Susana, Mora Pardina Jesus S, Povedano Panades Mónica, Andersen Peter M, Weber Markus, Başak Nazli A, Shaw Christopher E, Shaw Pamela J, Morrison Karen E, Landers John E, Glass Jonathan D, Vourc'h Patrick, Dobson Richard J B, Breen Gerome, Al-Chalabi Ammar, Jones Ashley R, Iacoangeli Alfredo Mar 2023, In: Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience. 17 12 p.

Whole genome sequencing analysis reveals post-zygotic mutation variability in monozygotic twins discordant for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

Tazelaar Gijs H.P., Hop Paul J., Seelen Meinie, van Vugt Joke J.F.A., van Rheenen Wouter, Kool Lindy, van Eijk Kristel R., Gijzen Marleen, Dooijes Dennis, Moisse Matthieu, Calvo Andrea, Moglia Cristina, Brunetti Maura, Canosa Antonio, Nordin Angelica, Pardina Jesus S.Mora, Ravits John, Al-Chalabi Ammar, Chio Adriano, McLaughlin Russell L., Hardiman Orla, Van Damme Philip, de Carvalho Mamede, Neuwirth Christoph, Weber Markus, Andersen Peter M., van den Berg Leonard H., Veldink Jan H., van Es Michael A. Feb 2023, In: Neurobiology of Aging. 122 , p. 76-87 12 p.

Genetic characterization of primary lateral sclerosis

de Boer Eva M.J., de Vries Balint S., Pennings Maartje, Kamsteeg Erik Jan, Veldink Jan H., van den Berg Leonard H., van Es Michael A. 2023, In: Journal of Neurology. 270 , p. 3970-3980 11 p.

UNC13A in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis:From genetic association to therapeutic target

Willemse Sean W., Harley Peter, Van Eijk Ruben P.A., Demaegd Koen C., Zelina Pavol, Pasterkamp R. Jeroen, Van Damme Philip, Ingre Caroline, Van Rheenen Wouter, Veldink Jan H., Kiernan Matthew C., Al-Chalabi Ammar, Van Den Berg Leonard H., Fratta Pietro, Van Es Michael A. 2023, In: Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry. 94 , p. 649-656 8 p.

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