
drs. E. (Esther) van Kleef PhD

drs. E. (Esther) van Kleef PhD

Assistant Professor
drs. E. (Esther) van Kleef PhD
  • Julius Center, dept. Epidemiology & Health Economics



Esther van Kleef is based at the Oxford Nuffield Department of Medicine, working as a technical consultant for the World Health Organisation (WHO) on the global surveillance of antimicrobial resistance (AMR), while holding an honorary position as assistant professor at University Medical Centre Utrecht.

Esther has experience with quantitative methodology including mathematical modelling and handling of surveillance data, which she has combined with hands-on field experience in HIC and LMIC. Esther’s research interests include understanding the transmission-dynamics of AMR and emerging infectious diseases, and the effectiveness of infection prevention and control strategies. She leads interdisciplinary work that aims to improve the surveillance, monitoring and response of emerging infectious diseases from a data science context, both in Europe and Africa. She is particularly interested in optimising the collection and use of conventional and innovative surveillance data sources for analytics to inform public health policies and decision-making.  

Esther completed a PhD in Infectious Disease Epidemiology at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. This was followed by academic positions related to modelling the transmission-dynamics of AMR at Oxford University (Mahidol-Oxford Tropical Medicine Research Unit, Thailand) and Public Health England (former UKHSA). Prior to WHO, Esther worked as a senior scientist (infectious disease epidemiology) at the Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp and epidemiologist at the Dutch National Institute of Public Health and the Environment. In the latter role, she coordinated AMR research informing the national surveillance strategy and ten consultant epidemiologists working on AMR surveillance at a regional level. In 2019-2020, she was involved as a WHO consultant in the 10th outbreak of Ebola virus disease in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, leading a team of epidemiologists, analysts and data managers to provide real-time outbreak analytics for decision-making.

She is an invited member to several advisory groups and global networks, and lead-PI or co-I to various academic research projects involving AMR, COVID-19 and Epidemic Intelligence.

Research Output (9)

Epidemic intelligence in Europe:a user needs perspective to foster innovation in digital health surveillance

Bouyer Fanny, Thiongane Oumy, Hobeika Alexandre, Arsevska Elena, Binot Aurélie, Corrèges Déborah, Dub Timothée, Mäkelä Henna, van Kleef Esther, Jori Ferran, Lancelot Renaud, Mercier Alize, Fagandini Francesca, Valentin Sarah, Van Bortel Wim, Ruault Claire Dec 2024, In: BMC Public Health. 24

Epidemic intelligence activities among national public and animal health agencies:a European cross-sectional study

Dub Timothee, Mäkelä Henna, Van Kleef Esther, Leblond Agnes, Mercier Alizé, Hénaux Viviane, Bouyer Fanny, Binot Aurelie, Thiongane Oumy, Lancelot Renaud, Delconte Valentina, Zamuner Lea, Van Bortel Wim, Arsevska Elena Dec 2023, In: BMC Public Health. 23

The values and risks of an Intergovernmental Panel for One Health to strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response

Hobeika Alexandre, Stauffer Maxime Henri Tibault, Dub Timothée, van Bortel Wim, Beniston Martin, Bukachi Salome, Burci Gian Luca, Crump Lisa, Markotter Wanda, Sepe Ludovico Pasquale, Placella Enrichetta, Roche Benjamin, Thiongane Oumy, Wang Zhanyun, Guérin Frédérique, van Kleef Esther Aug 2023, In: The Lancet Global Health. 11 , p. e1301-e1307

An annotated dataset for event-based surveillance of antimicrobial resistance

Arınık Nejat, Van Bortel Wim, Boudoua Bahdja, Busani Luca, Decoupes Rémy, Interdonato Roberto, Kafando Rodrique, van Kleef Esther, Roche Mathieu, Alam Syed Mehtab, Teisseire Maguelonne Feb 2023, In: Data in Brief. 46

Factors influencing SARS-CoV-2 infection rate in Belgian nursing home residents during the first wave of COVID-19 pandemic

Peckeu-Abboud L., Van Kleef E., Smekens T., Latour K., Dequeker S., Int Panis L., Laga M. 22 Feb 2022, In: Epidemiology and Infection. 150

National point prevalence study on carriage of multidrug-resistant microorganisms in Dutch long-term care facilities in 2018

van Kleef Esther, Wielders Cornelia C H, Schouls Leo M, Feenstra Sabiena G, Hertogh Cees M P M, Bonten Marc J M, van Weert Yolanda, Tostmann Alma, van der Lubben Mariken, de Greeff Sabine C, 10 Mar 2021, In: The Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy. 76 , p. 1604-1613 10 p.

Reducing contacts to stop SARS-CoV-2 transmission during the second pandemic wave in Brussels, Belgium, August to November 2020

Ingelbeen Brecht, Peckeu Laurène, Laga Marie, Hendrix Ilona, Neven Inge, van der Sande Marianne A.B., van Kleef Esther 18 Feb 2021, In: Eurosurveillance. 26 , p. 2-8

Clostridium difficile in England:can we stop washing our hands?

van Kleef Esther, Kuijper Ed J., Bonten Marc J.M., Cooper Ben S. May 2017, In: The Lancet Infectious Diseases. 17 , p. 478 1 p.

Why sensitive bacteria are resistant to hospital infection control [version 2; referees: 2 approved]

Van Kleef Esther, Luangasanatip Nantasit, Bonten Marc J., Cooper Ben S. 1 Jan 2017, In: Wellcome Open Research. 2

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