
dr. B.W.M. (Bas) van Balkom

dr. B.W.M. (Bas) van Balkom


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Research Output (64)

Inter-laboratory multiplex bead-based surface protein profiling of MSC-derived EV preparations identifies MSC-EV surface marker signatures

Nguyen Vivian V.T., Welsh Joshua A., Tertel Tobias, Choo Andre, van de Wakker Simonides I., Defourny Kyra A.Y., Giebel Bernd, Vader Pieter, Padmanabhan Jayanthi, Lim Sai Kiang, Nolte-'t Hoen Esther N.M., Verhaar Marianne C., Bostancioglu R. Beklem, Zickler Antje M., Hong Jia Mei, Jones Jennifer C., EL Andaloussi Samir, van Balkom Bas W.M., Görgens André Jun 2024, In: Journal of Extracellular Vesicles. 13

Minimal information for studies of extracellular vesicles (MISEV2023):From basic to advanced approaches

Welsh Joshua A., Goberdhan Deborah C.I., O’Driscoll Lorraine, Buzas Edit I., Blenkiron Cherie, Bussolati Benedetta, Cai Houjian, Di Vizio Dolores, Driedonks Tom A.P., Erdbrügger Uta, Falcon-Perez Juan M., Fu Qing Ling, Hill Andrew F., Lenassi Metka, Lim Sai Kiang, M˜y G. Mahoney, Mohanty Sujata, Möller Andreas, Nieuwland Rienk, Ochiya Takahiro, Sahoo Susmita, Torrecilhas Ana C., Zheng Lei, Zijlstra Andries, Abuelreich Sarah, Bagabas Reem, Bergese Paolo, Bridges Esther M., Brucale Marco, Burger Dylan, Carney Randy P., Cocucci Emanuele, Crescitelli Rossella, Hanser Edveena, Harris Adrian L., Haughey Norman J., Hendrix An, Ivanov Alexander R., Jovanovic-Talisman Tijana, Kruh-Garcia Nicole A., van Balkom Bas W.M., Collino Federica, de Jong Olivier G., Kooijmans Sander A.A., Lorenowicz Magdalena J., Man Kenny, Roefs Marieke T., Schiffelers Raymond M., Sluijter Joost P.G., Vader Pieter, 7 Feb 2024, In: Journal of Extracellular Vesicles. 13 84 p.

A systematic review of kidney-on-a-chip-based models to study human renal (patho-)physiology

Nguyen Vivian V T, Gkouzioti Vasiliki, Maass Christian, Verhaar Marianne C, Vernooij Robin W M, van Balkom Bas W M 1 Jun 2023, In: Disease Models & Mechanisms. 16

A Combined Western and Bead-Based Multiplex Platform to Characterize Extracellular Vesicles

van Maanen Josette C., Bach Frances C., Braun Theresa S., Giovanazzi Alberta, van Balkom Bas W.M., Templin Markus, Wauben Marca H.M., Tryfonidou Marianna A. 2023, In: Tissue Engineering - Part C: Methods. 29 , p. 493-504 12 p.

A human kidney and liver organoid-based multi-organ-on-a-chip model to study the therapeutic effects and biodistribution of mesenchymal stromal cell-derived extracellular vesicles

Nguyen Vivian V.T., Ye Shicheng, Gkouzioti Vasiliki, van Wolferen Monique E., Yengej Fjodor Yousef, Melkert Dennis, Siti Sofia, de Jong Bart, Besseling Paul J., Spee Bart, van der Laan Luc J.W., Horland Reyk, Verhaar Marianne C., van Balkom Bas W.M. 1 Nov 2022, In: Journal of Extracellular Vesicles. 11

Differentiated kidney tubular cell-derived extracellular vesicles enhance maturation of tubuloids

Lindoso Rafael Soares, Yousef Yengej Fjodor A., Voellmy Franziska, Altelaar Maarten, Mancheño Juncosa Estela, Tsikari Theano, Ammerlaan Carola M.E., Van Balkom Bas W.M., Rookmaaker Maarten B., Verhaar Marianne C., Masereeuw Rosalinde 15 Jul 2022, In: Journal of Nanobiotechnology. 20

Stem cells, organoids, and organ-on-a-chip models for personalized in vitro drug testing

van Berlo Damiën, Nguyen Vivian V.T., Gkouzioti Vasiliki, Leineweber Kirsten, Verhaar Marianne C., van Balkom Bas W.M. Dec 2021, In: Current Opinion in Toxicology. 28 , p. 7-14 8 p.

Proteomic analysis of machine perfusion solution from brain dead donor kidneys reveals that elevated complement, cytoskeleton and lipid metabolism proteins are associated with 1-year outcome

van Leeuwen L. Leonie, Spraakman Nora A., Brat Aukje, Huang Honglei, Thorne Adam M., Bonham Sarah, van Balkom Bas W.M., Ploeg Rutger J., Kessler Benedikt M., Leuvenink Henri G.D. Sep 2021, In: Transplant International. 34 , p. 1618-1629 12 p.

A systematic review and meta-analysis of COVID-19 in kidney transplant recipients:Lessons to be learned

Kremer Daan, Pieters Tobias T., Verhaar Marianne C., Berger Stefan P., Bakker Stephan J.L., van Zuilen Arjan D., Joles Jaap A., Vernooij Robin W.M., van Balkom Bas W.M. 2021, In: American Journal of Transplantation. 21 , p. 3936-3945 10 p.

A new microfluidic model that allows monitoring of complex vascular structures and cell interactions in a 3D biological matrix

van Dijk Christian G M, Brandt Maarten M, Poulis Nikolaos, Anten Jonas, van der Moolen Matthijs, Kramer Liana, Homburg Erik F G A, Louzao-Martinez Laura, Pei Jiayi, Krebber Merle M, van Balkom Bas W M, de Graaf Petra, Duncker Dirk J, Verhaar Marianne C, Luttge Regina, Cheng Caroline 24 Apr 2020, In: Lab on a chip. 20 , p. 1827-1844 18 p.

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