
W.A.C. (Wouter) van Amsterdam

W.A.C. (Wouter) van Amsterdam

Assistant Professor
W.A.C. (Wouter) van Amsterdam
  • Julius Center, dept. Data Science & Biostatistics

Research Programs


Research Output (7)

Robustness of pulmonary nodule radiomic features on computed tomography as a function of varying radiation dose levels—a multi-dose in vivo patient study

Bartholomeus Gijs A., van Amsterdam Wouter A.C., Harder Annemarie M.den, Willemink Martin J., van Hamersvelt Robbert W., de Jong Pim A., Leiner Tim 2023, In: European Radiology. 33 , p. 7044-7055 12 p.

The Association between Muscle Quantity and Overall Survival Depends on Muscle Radiodensity:A Cohort Study in Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer Patients

van Amsterdam Wouter A C, Harlianto Netanja I, Verhoeff Joost J C, Moeskops Pim, de Jong Pim A, Leiner Tim 21 Jul 2022, In: Journal of Personalized Medicine. 12 , p. 1-13

Individual treatment effect estimation in the presence of unobserved confounding using proxies:a cohort study in stage III non-small cell lung cancer

van Amsterdam Wouter A C, Verhoeff Joost J C, Harlianto Netanja I, Bartholomeus Gijs A, Puli Aahlad Manas, de Jong Pim A, Leiner Tim, van Lindert Anne S R, Eijkemans Marinus J C, Ranganath Rajesh 7 Apr 2022, In: Scientific Reports. 12

Prognostic factors for overall survival of stage III non-small cell lung cancer patients on computed tomography:a systematic review and meta-analysis

van Laar Myra, van Amsterdam Wouter A C, van Lindert Anne S R, de Jong Pim A, Verhoeff Joost J C 22 Jul 2020, In: Radiotherapy & Oncology. 151 , p. 152-175 24 p.

Eliminating biasing signals in lung cancer images for prognosis predictions with deep learning

van Amsterdam W. A. C., Verhoeff J. J. C., de Jong P. A., Leiner T., Eijkemans M. J. C. 10 Dec 2019, In: NPJ DIGITAL MEDICINE. 2 , p. 122

First Evidence for a Dose-Response Relationship in Patients Treated with Ho-166 Radioembolization: A Prospective Study:a prospective study

Bastiaannet Remco, van Roekel Caren, Smits Maarten L J, Elias Sjoerd G, van Amsterdam Wouter A C, Doan Dan T, Prince Jip F, Bruijnen Rutger C G, de Jong Hugo W A M, Lam Marnix G E H 10 Oct 2019, In: Journal of Nuclear Medicine. 61 , p. 608-612 5 p.

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