
prof. dr. E.W. (Ewout) Steyerberg

prof. dr. E.W. (Ewout) Steyerberg

Research Staff Other
prof. dr. E.W. (Ewout) Steyerberg



Ewout Steyerberg is medical scientific division manager at the Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care at University Medical Center Utrecht (from June 1, 2024). He has been professor at Erasmus MC and Leiden University Medical Center. He focuses primarily on prediction research. He develops and applies advanced regression analysis and machine learning techniques. His methodological areas of interest include biostatistics, cost-effectiveness, clinical epidemiology, decision analysis, comparative effectiveness and quality of care research. He has collaborated with many researchers and care-givers in major medical fields, including cardiology, oncology, neurology, surgery, internal medicine, pediatrics, and traumatic brain injury.

Research Output (4)

Development and Validation of a Prediction Model for 1-Year Mortality in Patients With a Hematologic Malignancy Admitted to the ICU

Boldingh Jan-Willem H L, Arbous M Sesmu, Biemond Bart J, Blijlevens Nicole M A, van Bommel Jasper, Hilkens Murielle G E C, Kusadasi Nuray, Muller Marcella C A, de Vries Vera A, Steyerberg Ewout W, van den Bergh Walter M, Jun 2024, In: Critical care explorations. 6

Oral versus intravenous antibiotic treatment of moderate-to-severe community-acquired pneumonia:a propensity score matched study

Kaal Anna G, Roos Rick, de Jong Pieter, Pepping Rianne M C, van den Berg Johanna M W, van Aken Maarten O, Steyerberg Ewout W, Numans Mattijs E, van Nieuwkoop Cees 9 Apr 2024, In: Scientific Reports. 14

Aspin:neurosurgical aspirin intervention prognostic study - perioperative continuation versus discontinuation of aspirin in lumbar spinal surgery, a randomized controlled, noninferiority trial

Zian Ahmed, Overdevest Gijsbert M, Schutte Pieter J, Klok Frederikus A, Steyerberg Ewout W, Moojen Wouter A, van der Gaag Niels A 29 Feb 2024, In: Trials. 25

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