
dr. G.S. (Gaby) Steba

dr. G.S. (Gaby) Steba

Assistant Professor

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Research Output (11)

The endometrial transcriptome of infertile women with and without implantation failure

Bui Bich Ngoc, Kukushkina Viktorija, Meltsov Alvin, Olsen Catharina, van Hoogenhuijze Nienke, Altmäe Signe, Mol Femke, Teklenburg Gijs, de Bruin Jan-Peter, Besselink Dagmar, Stevens Brentjens Linda, Obukhova Darina, Zamani Esteki Masoud, van Golde Ron, Romano Andrea, Laisk Triin, Steba Gaby, Mackens Shari, Salumets Andres, Broekmans Frank 22 Mar 2024, In: Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica. 103 , p. 1348-1365 18 p.

Advanced Technologies for Studying Microbiome-Female Reproductive Tract Interactions:Organoids, Organoids-on-a-Chip, and Beyond

Kaya Yosun A, de Zoete Marcel R, Steba Gaby S 6 Feb 2024, In: Seminars in reproductive medicine. 41 , p. 160-171 12 p.

A systematic review identifying seminal plasma biomarkers and their predictive ability on IVF and ICSI outcomes

van den Berg Jonna, Molina Nerea, Altmäe Signe, Arends Brigitte, Steba Gaby Feb 2024, In: Reproductive Biomedicine Online. 48 21 p.

An unbiased approach of molecular characterization of the endometrium:toward defining endometrial-based infertility

Bui Bich Ngoc, Ardisasmita Arif Ibrahim, Kuijk Ewart, Altmäe Signe, Steba Gaby, Mackens Shari, Fuchs Sabine, Broekmans Frank, Nieuwenhuis Edward 14 Dec 2023, In: Human reproduction (Oxford, England). 39 , p. 275-281 7 p.

The endometrial microbiota of women with or without a live birth within 12 months after a first failed IVF/ICSI cycle

Bui Bich Ngoc, van Hoogenhuijze Nienke, Viveen Marco, Mol Femke, Teklenburg Gijs, de Bruin Jan Peter, Besselink Dagmar, Brentjens Linda Stevens, Mackens Shari, Rogers Malbert R.C., Steba Gaby S., Broekmans Frank, Paganelli Fernanda L., van de Wijgert Janneke H.H.M. 1 Mar 2023, In: Scientific Reports. 13 , p. 1-11

Organoids can be established reliably from cryopreserved biopsy catheter-derived endometrial tissue of infertile women

Bui Bich Ngoc, Boretto Matteo, Kobayashi Hiroto, van Hoesel Marliek, Steba Gaby S., van Hoogenhuijze Nienke, Broekmans Frank J.M., Vankelecom Hugo, Torrance Helen L. 1 Jan 2020, In: Reproductive Biomedicine Online. 41 , p. 465-473 9 p.

Bile-salt stimulated lipase polymorphisms do not associate with HCV susceptibility

Steba Gaby S., Koekkoek Sylvie M., Brinkman Kees, Kwa David, van der Meer Jan T.M., van der Valk Marc, Molenkamp Richard, Pollakis Georgios, Schinkel Janke, Paxton William A. 14 Oct 2019, In: Virus research. 274

Progression of liver fibrosis following acute hepatitis C virus infection in HIV-positive MSM

Newsum Astrid M., Kooij Katherine W., Boyd Anders, Smit Colette, van Eden H., Steba G. S., Prins J. M., Peters E. J. G., Laan L. M., Brouwer A. E., Adams A., de Groot J., Koopmans M. P. G., Heikens E., Lammers A. J. J., Bor P. C. J., de Boer M. G. J., Smit J., V, Smit E., Kampschreur L. M., Stuart J. W. T. Cohen, Hoogewerf M., Sinnige J. C., Blok W. L., Albers M., de Haan M., van Lelyveld S. F. L., Jansen R., van Wijk M., Bakker M., Hoepelman A. I. M., Arends J. E., Barth R. E., Bruns A. H. W., Ellerbroek P. M., Mudrikova T., Oosterheert J. J., de Regt M. J. A., Schadd E. M., Wassenberg M. W. M., van Zoelen M. A. D., Aarsman K., van Berkel M., Schuurman R., Wensing A. M. J., de Jong A., van der Meer R., Paling E., van der Vliet S., Arends J. E., 1 Apr 2019, In: AIDS. 33 , p. 833-844 12 p.

HIV-1 exposure and immune activation enhance sexual transmission of Hepatitis C virus by primary Langerhans cells

Nijmeijer Bernadien M., Sarrami-Forooshani Ramin, Steba Gaby S., Schreurs Renee R. C. E., Koekkoek Sylvie M., Molenkamp Richard, Schinkel Janke, Reiss Peter, van Heukelom Matthijs L. Siegenbeek, van der Valk Marc, Ribeiro Carla M. S., Geijtenbeek Teunis B. H. 1 Mar 2019, In: Journal of the International AIDS Society [E]. 22

SNP rs688 within the low-density lipoprotein receptor (LDL-R) gene associates with HCV susceptibility

Steba GS, Koekkoek Sylvie M., Tanck Michael W.T., Vanhommerig Joost W., van der Meer Jan T.M., Kwa David, Brinkman Kees, Prins Maria, Berkhout Ben, Pollakis Georgios, Molenkamp Richard, Schinkel Janke, Paxton William A., 27 Sep 2018, In: Liver International. 39 , p. 463-469 7 p.

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