
prof. dr. R.E.G. (Roger) Schutgens

prof. dr. R.E.G. (Roger) Schutgens

Full Professor
prof. dr. R.E.G. (Roger) Schutgens
  • Hematology/Van Creveldclinic



Roger Schutgens is a Consultant Haematologist at the University Medical Centre Utrecht. His main responsibilities include care, research and education in the area of benign hematology and clotting diseases. Prof. Schutgens is the Head of at the Van Creveldkliniek, a national expertise center for rare and/or inherited benign hematologic disorders, thrombosis and haemostasis. He completed his medical degree from Catholic University Leuven, Leuven, Belgium and he completed his PhD from Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands. Prof. Schutgens areas of focus include patients predisposed to bleeding, congenital abnormalities of platelets and hypercoagulable conditions.

Side Activities

Advisory Board Member Horizonscan geneesmiddelen ZonMW

Scientific Editor HemaSphere (the EHA journal)

Co-owner general practice 'Huisartsenpraktijk Voordorp'

Research Output (276)

Effects of oral anticoagulation in people with atrial fibrillation after spontaneous intracranial haemorrhage (COCROACH):prospective, individual participant data meta-analysis of randomised trials

Al-Shahi Salman Rustam, Stephen Jacqueline, Tierney Jayne F., Lewis Steff C., Newby David E., Parry-Jones Adrian R., White Philip M., Connolly Stuart J., Benavente Oscar R., Dowlatshahi Dar, Cordonnier Charlotte, Viscoli Catherine M., Sheth Kevin N., Kamel Hooman, Veltkamp Roland, Larsen Kristin T., Hofmeijer Jeannette, Kerkhoff Henk, Schreuder Floris H.B.M., Shoamanesh Ashkan, Klijn Catharina J.M., van der Worp H. Bart, Klug Didier, Casolla Barbara, Puy Laurent, Coffee Morgane, Kuchcinski Grégory, Labreuche Julien, van Nieuwenhuizen Koen M., Algra Ale, van Gelder Isabelle C., Kappelle L. Jaap, Rinkel Gabriel J.E., Schutgens Roger E.G., Khatri Pooja, Conwit Robin, Falcone Guido, Elm Jordan, Anderson Craig S., Song Lili, Pandian Jeyaraj, Hart Robert G., Sharma Mukul, Aref Hany, Tarhuni Wadea, Fabregas Joan Marti, Diener Hans Christoph, Endres Matthias, Lemmens Robin, Kwon Sun U., Dec 2023, In: The Lancet Neurology. 22 , p. 1140-1149 10 p.

One-year safety and efficacy of mitapivat in sickle cell disease:follow-up results of a phase 2, open-label study

van Dijk Myrthe J, Rab Minke A E, van Oirschot Brigitte A, Bos Jennifer, Derichs Cleo, Rijneveld Anita W, Cnossen Marjon H, Nur Erfan, Biemond Bart J, Bartels Marije, Jans Judith J M, van Solinge W W, Schutgens Roger E G, van Wijk Richard, van Beers Eduard J 7 Nov 2023, In: Blood Advances. 7 , p. 7539-7550

High prevalence of heavy menstrual bleeding in women with rare bleeding disorders in the Netherlands:retrospective data from the RBiN study

Maas Dominique P.M.S.M., Saes Joline L., Blijlevens Nicole M.A., Cnossen M. H., den Exter P. L., van der Heijden Olivier W.H., Kruis I. C., Meijer Karina, Peters Marjolein, Schutgens Roger E.G., van Heerde W. L., Nieuwenhuizen L., Schols S. E.M., Maas D. P.M.S.M., Saes Joline L., Meijer K., Cnossen M. H., Schutgens Roger E.G., Peters M., Nieuwenhuizen L., den Exter P. L., Kruis I. C., van Heerde W. L., Schols S. E.M., Oct 2023, In: Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis. 21 , p. 2726-2734 9 p.

Heavy menstrual bleeding in adolescents:incidence, diagnostics, and management practices in primary care

Van ‘t Klooster Stella J., de Vaan Anne, van Leeuwen Jeanette, Pekel Lynnda, van Rijn-van Kortenhof Nathalie M., Engelen Eveline T., van Greevenbroek Willie, Huisman Albert, Fischer Kathelijn, Schutgens Roger E.G., van Galen Karin P.M. Oct 2023, In: Research and practice in thrombosis and haemostasis. 7 8 p.

Aspirin as Thromboprophylaxis in Orthopedic Surgery:A Matter of Perspective

Schutgens Roger E.G., Middeldorp Saskia 20 Aug 2023, In: Hemasphere. 7 , p. 1-2

Clotting factor activity levels and bleeding risk in people with haemophilia playing sports

Versloot Olav, Kemler Ellen, Blokzijl Johan, Timmer Merel, Schuuring Marleen, van Galen Karin P.M., Kremer Hovinga Idske Cornelia L., van der Valk Paul R., van Vulpen Lize F.D., Schutgens Roger E.G., van Koppenhagen Casper F., van der Net Janjaap, Fischer Kathelijn Jul 2023, In: Haemophilia. 29 , p. 1013-1023 11 p.

DosEmi study protocol:a phase IV, multicentre, open-label, crossover study to evaluate non-inferiority of pharmacokinetic-guided reduced dosing compared with conventional dosing of emicizumab in people with haemophilia A

Donners Anouk, van der Zwet Konrad, Egberts Antoine C G, Fijnvandraat Karin, Mathôt Ron, Kruis Ilmar, Cnossen Marjon H, Schutgens Roger, Urbanus Rolf T, Fischer Kathelijn 26 Jun 2023, In: BMJ Open. 13

Toward responsible clinical n-of-1 strategies for rare diseases

Defelippe Victoria M, J M W van Thiel Ghislaine, Otte Willem M, Schutgens Roger E G, Stunnenberg Bas, Cross Helen J, O'Callaghan Finbar, De Giorgis Valentina, Jansen Floor E, Perucca Emilio, Brilstra Eva H, Braun Kees P J 24 Jun 2023, In: Drug Discovery Today. 28 9 p.

Antithrombotic Treatment in Patients With Hemophilia:an EHA-ISTH-EAHAD-ESO Clinical Practice Guidance

Schutgens Roger E.G., Jimenez-Yuste Victor, Escobar Miguel, Falanga Anna, Gigante Bruna, Klamroth Robert, Lassila Riitta, Leebeek Frank W.G., Makris Michael, Owaidah Tarek, Sholzberg Michelle, Tiede Andreas, Werring David J., Van Der Worp H. Bart, Windyga Jerzy, Castaman Giancarlo 5 Jun 2023, In: Hemasphere. 7 , p. 1-21

Insights in the Prothrombotic Changes after Implantation of a Left Ventricular Assist Device in Patients with End-Stage Heart Failure:A Longitudinal Observational Study

Liesdek Omayra C.D., Urbanus Rolf T., De Maat Steven, De Heer Linda M., Ramjankhan Faiz Z., Sebastian Silvie A.E., Huisman Albert, De Jonge Nicolaas, Vink Aryan, Fischer Kathelijn, Maas Coen, Suyker Willem J.L., Schutgens Roger E.G. 1 May 2023, In: ASAIO journal. 69 , p. 438-444 7 p.

All research output

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