
dr. ir. T. (Tim) Schakel

dr. ir. T. (Tim) Schakel

  • Department of Radiotherapy

Research Programs


Research Output (22)

Improved delineation with diffusion weighted imaging for laryngeal and hypopharyngeal tumors validated with pathology

Smits Hilde J G, Raaijmakers Cornelis P J, de Ridder Mischa, Gouw Zeno A R, Doornaert Patricia A H, Pameijer Frank A, Lodeweges Joyce E, Ruiter Lilian N, Kuijer Koen M, Schakel Tim, de Bree Remco, Dankbaar Jan W, Terhaard Chris H J, Breimer Gerben E, Willems Stefan M, Philippens Marielle E P 23 Feb 2024, In: Radiotherapy and oncology : journal of the European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology. 194 7 p.

Optimized flip angle schemes for the split acquisition of fast spin-echo signals (SPLICE) sequence and application to diffusion-weighted imaging

Rahbek Sofie, Schakel Tim, Mahmood Faisal, Madsen Kristoffer H, Philippens Marielle E P, Hanson Lars G 24 Nov 2022, In: Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 89 , p. 1469-1480 12 p.

Feasibility of cardiac-synchronized quantitative T1 and T2 mapping on a hybrid 1.5 Tesla magnetic resonance imaging and linear accelerator system

Akdag Osman, Mandija Stefano, van Lier Astrid L H M W, Borman PTS, Schakel Tim, Alberts Eveline, van der Heide Oscar, Hassink Rutger J, Verhoeff Joost J C, Mohamed Hoesein Firdaus A A, Raaymakers Bas W, Fast Martin F Jan 2022, In: Physics and Imaging in Radiation Oncology. 21 , p. 153-159 7 p.

Real-time multi-resolution image reconstruction for MR-guided prostate radiotherapy

Borman P., Bruijnen T., Schakel T., Raaymakers B. Aug 2021, In: Radiotherapy and Oncology. 161 , p. S518-S519

Cardiac-Synchronized T1 mapping on the Unity MR-linac to guide STereotactic Arrhythmia Radioablation

Mandija S., Akdag O., van Lier A., Borman P., Schakel T., Alberts E., van der Heide O., Hassink R., Alings M., Verhoeff J., Mohamed Hoesein F., Fast M. Aug 2021, In: Radiotherapy and Oncology. 161 , p. S408-S409

BEST IN PHYSICS (IMAGING): Parallel Imaging Stream for Multi-Purpose Real-Time Adaptive MRI-Guided Prostate Radiotherapy

Bruijnen T., Borman P., Schakel T., Raaymakers B. Jun 2021, In: Medical Physics. 48

Pushing functional MRI spatial and temporal resolution further:High-density receive arrays combined with shot-selective 2D CAIPIRINHA for 3D echo-planar imaging at 7 T

Hendriks Arjan D, D'Agata Federico, Raimondo Luisa, Schakel Tim, Geerts Liesbeth, Luijten Peter R, Klomp Dennis W J, Petridou Natalia 3 Mar 2020, In: NMR in Biomedicine. 33 13 p.

Diffusion weighted MRI for tumor delineation in head and neck radiotherapy

Schakel Tim 24 May 2018, 109 p.

Target Volume Delineation Using Diffusion-weighted Imaging for MR-guided Radiotherapy:A Case Series of Laryngeal Cancer Validated by Pathology

Ligtenberg Hans, Schakel Tim, Dankbaar Jan Willem, Ruiter Lilian N, Peltenburg Boris, Willems Stefan M, Kasperts Nicolien, Terhaard Chris H J, Raaijmakers Cornelis P J, Philippens Marielle E P 11 Apr 2018, In: Cureus. 10 11 p.

Evaluation of diffusion weighted imaging for tumor delineation in head-and-neck radiotherapy by comparison with automatically segmented <sup>18</sup>F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography

Schakel Tim, Peltenburg Boris, Dankbaar Jan Willem, Cardenas Carlos E., Aristophanous Michalis, Terhaard Chris H.J., Hoogduin Johannes M., Philippens Marielle E.P. 1 Jan 2018, In: Physics and Imaging in Radiation Oncology. 5 , p. 13-18 6 p.

All research output

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