
dr. C. (Cynthia) Pfeifer

dr. C. (Cynthia) Pfeifer

Assistant Professor

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Research Output (13)

Comprehensive dissection of prevalence rates, sex differences, and blood level-dependencies of clozapine-associated adverse drug reactions

van der Horst Marte, Meijer Yoeki, de Boer Nini, Guloksuz Sinan, Hasan Alkomiet, Siskind Dan, Wagner Elias, Müderrisoğlu Ahmet, Privat Alba Toll, Bouhuis Alde, Jongkind Amy, Gonzalez-Pinto Ana, Santacana Anna Mane, D'Agostino Armando, Ertugrul Aygün, Yağcioğlu Ayşe Elif Anil, Crespo-Facorro Benedicto, Sanchez-Barbero Bianca, Spuch Carlos, Morgenroth Carla Lou, de Pinedo Carmen Fernandez, Casetta Cecilia, Bousman Chad, Pantelis Christos, Ovejas-Catalán Claudia, Garcia-Rizo Clemente, Okhuijsen-Pfeifer Cynthia, Cohen Dan, Ristic Dragana Ignjatovic, Beld Edwin, Repo-Tiihonen Eila, Jeger-Land Ellen, Vilella Elisabet, Bekema Erwin, Sepúlveda Stevan, Seghi Federico, Wiedenmann Federico, Martini Francesca, Serio Francesca, Vairano Francesca, Mercuriali Giacomo, Boido Giovanni, Yoca Gökhan, van Beek Hanneke, Gijsman Harm, van Os Jim, Luykx Jurjen, van der Horst Marte, Kahn René, Luykx Jurjen, Dec 2023, In: Psychiatry Research. 330

Associations Between Polygenic Risk Score Loading, Psychosis Liability, and Clozapine Use Among Individuals With Schizophrenia

Lin Bochao D., Pinzón-Espinosa Justo, Blouzard Elodie, Van Der Horst Marte Z., Okhuijsen-Pfeifer Cynthia, Van Eijk Kristel R., Guloksuz Sinan, Peyrot Wouter J., Luykx Jurjen J. 1 Feb 2023, In: JAMA Psychiatry. 80 , p. 181-185 5 p.

Op naar een gepersonaliseerde clozapinebehandeling

Okhuijsen-Pfeifer C., van der Horst M. Z., Luykx J. J. 2023, In: Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie. 65 , p. 107-112 6 p.

Polygenetic risk scores and phenotypic constellations of obsessive–compulsive disorder in clozapine-treated schizophrenia

Morgenroth Carla Lou, Kleymann Philipp, Ripke Stephan, Awasthi Swapnil, Wagner Elias, Oviedo-Salcedo Tatiana, Okhuijsen-Pfeifer Cynthia, Luykx Jurjen J., van der Horst Marte Z., Hasan Alkomiet, Bermpohl Felix, Gutwinski Stefan, Schreiter Stefanie 2023, In: European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience. 274 , p. 181-193 13 p.

A computational solution for bolstering reliability of epigenetic clocks:implications for clinical trials and longitudinal tracking

Higgins-Chen Albert T., Thrush Kyra L., Wang Yunzhang, Minteer Christopher J., Kuo Pei Lun, Wang Meng, Niimi Peter, Sturm Gabriel, Lin Jue, Moore Ann Zenobia, Bandinelli Stefania, Vinkers Christiaan H., Vermetten Eric, Rutten Bart P.F., Geuze Elbert, Okhuijsen-Pfeifer Cynthia, van der Horst Marte Z., Schreiter Stefanie, Gutwinski Stefan, Luykx Jurjen J., Picard Martin, Ferrucci Luigi, Crimmins Eileen M., Boks Marco P., Hägg Sara, Hu-Seliger Tina T., Levine Morgan E. Jul 2022, In: Nature Aging. 2 , p. 644-661 18 p.

Genome-wide association analyses of symptom severity among clozapine-treated patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders

Okhuijsen-Pfeifer C, van der Horst M Z, Bousman C A, Lin B, van Eijk K R, Ripke S, Ayhan Y, Babaoglu M O, Bak M, Alink W, van Beek H, Beld E, Bouhuis A, Edlinger M, Erdogan I M, Ertuğrul A, Yoca G, Everall I P, Görlitz T, Grootens K P, Gutwinski S, Hallikainen T, Jeger-Land E, de Koning M, Lähteenvuo M, Legge S E, Leucht S, Morgenroth C, Müderrisoğlu A, Narang A, Pantelis C, Pardiñas A F, Oviedo-Salcedo T, Schneider-Thoma J, Schreiter S, Repo-Tiihonen E, Tuppurainen H, Veereschild M, Veerman S, de Vos M, Wagner E, Cohen D, Bogers J P A M, Walters J T R, Yağcıoğlu A E Anil, Tiihonen J, Hasan A, Luykx J J, 7 Apr 2022, In: Translational Psychiatry. 12

Towards personalized treatment of clozapine

Okhuijsen-Pfeifer Cynthia 7 Oct 2021, 243 p.

Glasgow Antipsychotica Bijwerkingen Schaal voor Clozapine; validatie van de Nederlandstalige versie

Huisman Ruben, Okhuijsen-Pfeifer Cynthia, Mulder Eline Y.H., Jongkind Amy, Cohen Dan, Bogers Jan P.A.M., van der Horst Marte Z., Luykx Jurjen J. Apr 2021, In: Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie. 63 , p. 270-275 6 p.

Effects of Smoking Status on Remission and Metabolic and Cognitive Outcomes in Schizophrenia Patients Treated with Clozapine

Wagner Elias, Oviedo-Salcedo Tatiana, Pelzer Nicola, Strube Wolfgang, Maurus Isabel, Gutwinski Stefan, Schreiter Stefanie, Kleymann Phillip, Morgenroth Carla Lou, Okhuijsen-Pfeifer Cynthia, Luykx Jurjen J., Falkai Peter, Schneider-Axmann Thomas, Hasan Alkomiet 1 Nov 2020, In: Pharmacopsychiatry. 53 , p. 273-283 11 p.

Demographic and clinical features as predictors of clozapine response in patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders:A systematic review and meta-analysis

Okhuijsen-Pfeifer C, Sterk A Y, Horn I M, Terstappen J, Kahn R S, Luykx J J Apr 2020, In: Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews. 111 , p. 246-252 7 p.

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