
A.S.J. (Adrien) Melquiond PhD

A.S.J. (Adrien) Melquiond PhD

Assistant Professor
A.S.J. (Adrien) Melquiond PhD
  • CMM - Education

Research Programs


Research Output (5)

Robust detection of translocations in lymphoma FFPE samples using targeted locus capture-based sequencing

Allahyar Amin, Pieterse Mark, Swennenhuis Joost, Los-de Vries G. Tjitske, Yilmaz Mehmet, Leguit Roos, Meijers Ruud W.J., van der Geize Robert, Vermaat Joost, Cleven Arjen, van Wezel Tom, Diepstra Arjan, van Kempen Léon C., Hijmering Nathalie J., Stathi Phylicia, Sharma Milan, Melquiond Adrien S.J., de Vree Paula J.P., Verstegen Marjon J.A.M., Krijger Peter H.L., Hajo Karima, Simonis Marieke, Rakszewska Agata, van Min Max, de Jong Daphne, Ylstra Bauke, Feitsma Harma, Splinter Erik, de Laat Wouter 7 Jun 2021, In: Nature Communications. 12 , p. 1-15

Enhancers reside in a unique epigenetic environment during early zebrafish development

Kaaij Lucas J T, Mokry Michal, Zhou Meng, Musheev Michael, Geeven Geert, Melquiond Adrien S J, de Jesus Domingues António M., de Laat Wouter, Niehrs Christof, Smith Andrew D., Ketting René F. 5 Jul 2016, In: Genome Biology. 17

Molecular dynamics characterization of the conformational landscape of small peptides:A series of hands-on collaborative practical sessions for undergraduate students

Rodrigues João P.G.L.M., Melquiond Adrien S J, Bonvin Alexandre M J J 1 Mar 2016, In: Biochemistry and molecular biology education : a bimonthly publication of the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 44 , p. 160-167 8 p.

The HADDOCK2.2 Web Server:User-Friendly Integrative Modeling of Biomolecular Complexes

Van Zundert G. C P, Rodrigues J. P G L M, Trellet M., Schmitz C., Kastritis P. L., Karaca E., Melquiond A. S J, Van Dijk M., De Vries S. J., Bonvin A. M J J 22 Feb 2016, In: Journal of Molecular Biology. 428 , p. 720-725 6 p.

Dynamic control of selectivity in the ubiquitination pathway revealed by an ASP to GLU substitution in an intra-molecular salt-bridge network

van Wijk S.J.L., Melquiond A.S.J., de Vries S.J., Timmers H.T.M., Bonvin A.M.J.J. 2012, In: PLoS Computational Biology. 8 1 p.

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