
dr. E.W. (Ewart) Kuijk

dr. E.W. (Ewart) Kuijk

Assistant Professor
dr. E.W. (Ewart) Kuijk
  • Gastroenterology & Hepatology research 1

Research Output (35)

An unbiased approach of molecular characterization of the endometrium:toward defining endometrial-based infertility

Bui Bich Ngoc, Ardisasmita Arif Ibrahim, Kuijk Ewart, Altmäe Signe, Steba Gaby, Mackens Shari, Fuchs Sabine, Broekmans Frank, Nieuwenhuis Edward 14 Dec 2023, In: Human reproduction (Oxford, England). 39 , p. 275-281 7 p.

The genome-wide mutational consequences of DNA hypomethylation

Besselink Nicolle, Keijer Janneke, Vermeulen Carlo, Boymans Sander, de Ridder Jeroen, van Hoeck Arne, Cuppen Edwin, Kuijk Ewart 27 Apr 2023, In: Scientific Reports. 13

Common anti-cancer therapies induce somatic mutations in stem cells of healthy tissue

Kuijk Ewart, Kranenburg Onno, Cuppen Edwin, Van Hoeck Arne 7 Oct 2022, In: Nature Communications. 13 , p. 1-10

Recurrent exon-deleting activating mutations in AHR act as drivers of urinary tract cancer

Vlaar Judith M, Borgman Anouska, Kalkhoven Eric, Westland Denise, Besselink Nicolle, Shale Charles, Faltas Bishoy M, Priestley Peter, Kuijk Ewart, Cuppen Edwin 16 Jun 2022, In: Scientific Reports. 12 , p. 1-12

Genomic instability in early embryonic development

Kuijk Ewart W. Apr 2022, In: European Journal of Human Genetics. 30 , p. 22-22

Different responses to DNA damage determine ageing differences between organs

Vougioukalaki Maria, Demmers Joris, Vermeij Wilbert P, Baar Marjolein, Bruens Serena, Magaraki Aristea, Kuijk Ewart, Jager Myrthe, Merzouk Sarra, Brandt Renata M C, Kouwenberg Janneke, van Boxtel Ruben, Cuppen Edwin, Pothof Joris, Hoeijmakers Jan H J 4 Mar 2022, In: Aging Cell. 21 , p. 1-18

Article Human induced pluripotent stem cells display a similar mutation burden as embryonic pluripotent cells in vivo

Hasaart Karlijn A L, Manders Freek, Ubels Joske, Verheul Mark, van Roosmalen Markus J, Groenen Niels M, Oka Rurika, Kuijk Ewart, Lopes Susana M Chuva de Sousa, Boxtel Ruben van 18 Feb 2022, In: iScience. 25

Precancerous liver diseases do not cause increased mutagenesis in liver stem cells

Nguyen Luan, Jager Myrthe, Lieshout Ruby, de Ruiter Petra E, Locati Mauro D, Besselink Nicolle, van der Roest Bastiaan, Janssen Roel, Boymans Sander, de Jonge Jeroen, IJzermans Jan N M, Doukas Michail, Verstegen Monique M A, van Boxtel Ruben, van der Laan Luc J W, Cuppen Edwin, Kuijk Ewart 18 Nov 2021, In: Communications biology. 4

Building consensus on definition and nomenclature of hepatic, pancreatic, and biliary organoids

Marsee Ary, Roos Floris J.M., Verstegen Monique M.A., Roos Floris, Verstegen Monique, Clevers Hans, Vallier Ludovic, Takebe Takanori, Huch Meritxell, Peng Weng Chuan, Forbes Stuart, Lemaigre Frédéric, de Koning Eelco, Gehart Helmuth, van der Laan Luc, Spee Bart, Boj Sylvia, Baptista Pedro, Schneeberger Kerstin, Soroka Carol, Heim Markus, Nuciforo Sandro, Zaret Kenneth, Saito Yoshimasa, Lutolf Matthias, Cardinale Vincenzo, Simons Ben, van IJzendoorn Sven, Kamiya Akihide, Chikada Hiromi, Wang Shuyong, Mun Seon Ju, Son Myung Jin, Onder Tamer Tevfik, Boyer James, Sato Toshiro, Georgakopoulos Nikitas, Meneses Andre, Broutier Laura, Boulter Luke, Grün Dominic, IJzermans Jan, Artegiani Benedetta, van Boxtel Ruben, Kuijk Ewart, Carpino Guido, Peltz Gary, Banales Jesus, Man Nancy, Fuchs Sabine, 6 May 2021, In: Cell stem cell. 28 , p. 816-832 17 p.

The mutational impact of culturing human pluripotent and adult stem cells

Kuijk Ewart, Jager Myrthe, van der Roest Bastiaan, Locati Mauro D, Van Hoeck Arne, Korzelius Jerome, Janssen Roel, Besselink Nicolle, Boymans Sander, van Boxtel Ruben, Cuppen Edwin 1 Dec 2020, In: Nature Communications. 11 12 p.

All research output

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