
prof. dr. L. (Leo) Koenderman

prof. dr. L. (Leo) Koenderman

Full Professor
  • Department of Experimental Pulmonary Diseases

Research Programs

Side Activities

Paid consultant of GlaxoSmithKline for their eosinophil disease program since 2019 (< 2200 euro per year)

Unpaid consultant for Beckman Coulter Life Science for their point-of-care immunomonitoring program since 2014

Unpaid consultant for FlowView diagnostics (Heerenveen NL) since 2019


Research Output (345)

Exercise-induced eosinophil responses:Normal cell counts with a marked decrease in responsiveness

Jukema Bernard N, Pelgrim Thomas C, Janssen Sylvan L J E, Eijsvogels Thijs M H, Mingels Alma, Vroemen Wim, Vrisekoop Nienke, Koenderman Leo Nov 2023, In: Clinical and Translational Allergy. 13 3 p.

Point-of-care neutrophil CD64 as a rule in diagnostic test for bacterial infections in the emergency department

van de Ven N L M, Bongers S H, Spijkerman R, Koenderman L, Leenen L P H, Hietbrink F, , Leavis HL 14 Mar 2023, In: BMC Emergency Medicine. 23 , p. 1-10 10 p.

Eosinophils—from cradle to grave

Jesenak Milos, Diamant Zuzana, Simon Dagmar, Tufvesson Ellen, Seys Sven F., Mukherjee Manali, Lacy Paige, Vijverberg Susanne, Slisz Tomas, Sediva Anna, Simon Hans Uwe, Striz Ilja, Plevkova Jana, Schwarze Jurgen, Kosturiak Radovan, Alexis Neil E., Untersmayr Eva, Vasakova Martina Koziar, Knol Edward, Koenderman Leo 2023, In: Allergy: European Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 78 , p. 3077-3102 26 p.

Visualization of the inflammatory response to injury by neutrophil phenotype categories:Neutrophil phenotypes after trauma

de Fraiture Emma J, Bongers Suus H, Jukema Bernard N, Koenderman Leo, Vrisekoop Nienke, van Wessem Karlijn J P, Leenen Luke P H, Hietbrink Falco 8 Nov 2022, In: European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery. 49 , p. 1023-1034 12 p.

Longitudinal assessment of the inflammatory response:The next step in personalized medicine after severe trauma

de Fraiture E J, Vrisekoop N, Leenen L P H, van Wessem K J P, Koenderman L, Hietbrink F 20 Sep 2022, In: Frontiers in medicine. 9 , p. 1-9

Shift of Neutrophils From Blood to Bone Marrow Upon Extensive Experimental Trauma Surgery

Teuben Michel P.J., Heeres Marjolein, Blokhuis Taco, Spijkerman Roy, Knot Eric, Vrisekoop Nienke, Pfeifer Roman, Pape Hans Christoph, Koenderman Leo, Leenen Luke P.H. 17 May 2022, In: Frontiers in Immunology. 13 , p. 1-13

The journey of neutropoiesis:how complex landscapes in bone marrow guide continuous neutrophil lineage determination

Overbeeke Celine, Tak Tamar, Koenderman Leo 14 Apr 2022, In: Blood. 139 , p. 2285-2293 9 p.

Neutrophil and Eosinophil Responses Remain Abnormal for Several Months in Primary Care Patients With COVID-19 Disease

Jukema B N, Smit K, Hopman M T E, Bongers C C W G, Pelgrim T C, Rijk M H, Platteel T N, Venekamp R P, Zwart D L M, Rutten F H, Koenderman L 2022, In: Frontiers in allergy. 3

Human neutrophil kinetics:a call to revisit old evidence

Koenderman Leo, Tesselaar Kiki, Vrisekoop Nienke 2022, In: Trends in immunology. 43 , p. 868-876 9 p.

All research output

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