
dr. H.L. (Dineke) Koek

dr. H.L. (Dineke) Koek

Associate Professor
  • Geriatrics

Research Programs

Circulatory Health

Research Output (147)

Enhancing Cognitive Performance Prediction through White Matter Hyperintensity Connectivity Assessment:A Multicenter Lesion Network Mapping Analysis of 3,485 Memory Clinic Patients

Petersen Marvin, Coenen Mirthe, DeCarli Charles, De Luca Alberto, van der Lelij Ewoud, Barkhof Frederik, Benke Thomas, Chen Christopher P L H, Dal-Bianco Peter, Dewenter Anna, Duering Marco, Enzinger Christian, Ewers Michael, Exalto Lieza G, Fletcher Evan F, Franzmeier Nicolai, Hilal Saima, Hofer Edith, Koek Huiberdina L, Maier Andrea B, Maillard Pauline M, McCreary Cheryl R, Papma Janne M, Pijnenburg Yolande A L, Schmidt Reinhold, Smith Eric E, Steketee Rebecca M E, van den Berg Esther, van der Flier Wiesje M, Venkatraghavan Vikram, Venketasubramanian Narayanaswamy, Vernooij Meike W, Wolters Frank J, Xu Xin, Horn Andreas, Patil Kaustubh R, Eickhoff Simon B, Thomalla Götz, Biesbroek J Matthijs, Biessels Geert Jan, Cheng Bastian, 11 Apr 2024, 15 p.

Infectious Diseases and Basal Ganglia Calcifications:A Cross-Sectional Study in Patients with Fahr's Disease and Systematic Review

Snijders Birgitta M G, Peters Mike J L, van den Brink Susanne, van Trijp Marijke J C A, de Jong Pim A, Vissers Laurens A T M, Verduyn Lunel Frans M, Emmelot-Vonk Marielle H, Koek Huiberdina L 2 Apr 2024, In: Journal of Clinical medicine. 13 , p. 1-27 27 p.

Increased Intracranial Arterial Pulsatility and Microvascular Brain Damage in Pseudoxanthoma Elasticum

Bartstra J. W., van den Beukel T., Kranenburg G., Geurts L. J., den Harder A. M., Witkamp T., Wolterink J. M., Zwanenburg J. J.M., van Valen Evelien, Koek H.L., Mali W. P.T.M., de Jong P. A., Hendrikse J., Spiering W. 1 Apr 2024, In: American Journal of Neuroradiology. 45 , p. 386-392 7 p.

Amyloid pathology and vascular risk are associated with distinct patterns of cerebral white matter hyperintensities:A multicenter study in 3132 memory clinic patients

Biesbroek J. Matthijs, Coenen Mirthe, DeCarli Charles, Fletcher Evan M., Maillard Pauline M., Barkhof Frederik, Barnes Josephine, Benke Thomas, Chen Christopher P.L.H., Dal-Bianco Peter, Dewenter Anna, Duering Marco, Enzinger Christian, Ewers Michael, Exalto Lieza G., Franzmeier Nicolai, Hilal Saima, Hofer Edith, Koek Huiberdina L., Maier Andrea B., McCreary Cheryl R., Papma Janne M., Paterson Ross W., Pijnenburg Yolande A.L., Rubinski Anna, Schmidt Reinhold, Schott Jonathan M., Slattery Catherine F., Smith Eric E., Sudre Carole H., Steketee Rebecca M.E., Teunissen Charlotte E., van den Berg Esther, van der Flier Wiesje M., Venketasubramanian Narayanaswamy, Venkatraghavan Vikram, Vernooij Meike W., Wolters Frank J., Xin Xu, Kuijf Hugo J., Biessels Geert Jan, Apr 2024, In: Alzheimer's and Dementia. 20 , p. 2980-2989 10 p.

The effects of etidronate on brain calcifications in Fahr's disease or syndrome:rationale and design of the randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blind CALCIFADE trial

Snijders Birgitta Mg, Mathijssen Gini, Peters Mike Jl, Emmelot-Vonk Marielle H, de Jong Pim A, Bakker Susan, Crommelin Heleen A, Ruigrok Ynte M, Brilstra Eva H, Schepers Vera Pm, Spiering Wilko, van Valen Evelien, Koek Huiberdina L 7 Feb 2024, In: Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases. 19 8 p.

Impairments identified by comprehensive geriatric assessment in potential candidates for left ventricular assist device and heart transplantation

Dautzenberg Lauren, van Laake Linda W., Raijman Renee C.M.A., Lefeber Geert J., Knol Wilma, Oerlemans Marish I.F., Ramjankhan Faiz Z., Braithwaite Susan A., Nagtegaal Mieke D.J., Emmelot-Vonk Marielle H., Koek Huiberdina L. Feb 2024, In: IJC Heart and Vasculature. 50 8 p.

The Association between Intracranial Calcifications and Symptoms in Patients with Primary Familial Brain Calcification

Mathijssen Gini, van Valen Evelien, de Jong Pim A, Golüke Nienke M S, van Maren Emiel A, Snijders Birgitta M G, Brilstra Eva H, Ruigrok Ynte M, Bakker Susan, Goto Renzo W, Emmelot-Vonk Marielle H, Koek Huiberdina L 31 Jan 2024, In: Journal of Clinical medicine. 13

Spatial distributions of white matter hyperintensities on brain MRI:A pooled analysis of individual participant data from 11 memory clinic cohorts

Coenen Mirthe, Biessels Geert Jan, DeCarli Charles, Fletcher Evan F, Maillard Pauline M, Barkhof Frederik, Barnes Josephine, Benke Thomas, Boomsma Jooske M F, P L H Chen Christopher, Dal-Bianco Peter, Dewenter Anna, Duering Marco, Enzinger Christian, Ewers Michael, Exalto Lieza G, Franzmeier Nicolai, Groeneveld Onno, Hilal Saima, Hofer Edith, Koek Huiberdina L, Maier Andrea B, McCreary Cheryl R, Papma Janne M, Paterson Ross W, Pijnenburg Yolande A L, Rubinski Anna, Schmidt Reinhold, Schott Jonathan M, Slattery Catherine F, Smith Eric E, Sudre Carole H, Steketee Rebecca M E, van den Berg Esther, van der Flier Wiesje M, Venketasubramanian Narayanaswamy, Vernooij Meike W, Wolters Frank J, Xin Xu, Biesbroek J Matthijs, Kuijf Hugo J, 23 Nov 2023, In: NeuroImage. Clinical. 40 , p. 103547 1 p.

Association between perioperative statin treatment and short-term clinical outcomes following transcatheter aortic valve implantation:a retrospective cohort study

Lefeber Geert, Dautzenberg Lauren, Knol Wilma, Huijbers Carla, Voskuil Michiel, Kraaijeveld Adriaan O, Bouvy Marcel, de Boer Anthonius, Emmelot-Vonk Marielle, Koek Huiberdina L Oct 2023, In: Open Heart. 10 , p. 1-7

Safety of Switching from a Vitamin K Antagonist to a Non-Vitamin K Antagonist Oral Anticoagulant in Frail Older Patients with Atrial Fibrillation:Results of the FRAIL-AF Randomized Controlled Trial

Joosten Linda P T, van Doorn Sander, van de Ven Peter M, Köhlen Bart T G, Nierman Melchior C, Koek Huiberdina L, Hemels Martin E W, Huisman Menno V, Kruip Marieke, Faber Laura M, Wiersma Nynke M, Buding Wim F, Fijnheer Rob, Adriaansen Henk J, Roes Kit C, Hoes Arno W, Rutten Frans H, Geersing Geert-Jan 27 Aug 2023, In: Circulation. 149 , p. 279-289 11 p.

All research output

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