
prof. dr. D.W.J. (Dennis) Klomp

prof. dr. D.W.J. (Dennis) Klomp

Full Professor
prof. dr. D.W.J. (Dennis) Klomp
  • Highfield Research Group



Research interests

In my research team, we are investigating novel methods to enable imaging of metabolism and physiology of diseases and treatments non-invasively to aid clinical decision making. Using ultra-high magnetic fields, we demonstrated feasibility of imaging metabolism with magnetic resonance in the human body at clinically relevant spatial resolutions. Observing physiology and metabolism will provide a more direct and therefore faster and accurate means to characterize diseases and responses to treatments when compared to conventional morphologic imaging as known from cell studies. In fact, we have recently proven that metabolic images can predict efficacy of neoadjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer much better and faster than any morphologic imaging technique could. The results have motivated public-private partnerships in translating the technology for clinical studies involving metabolic MRI throughout the body.

Compared to a few morpholic imaging contrasts conventionally available in radiology, potentially hundred of different metabolite levels could soon be imaged. Our innovation therefore brings radiology into the world of biochemistry and visa versa, creating a new bridge between research groups in identifying what non-invasively detectable metabolites would be useful for aiding clinic. In parallel, acceleration techniques in imaging are being investigated to maximize metabolic and physiologic information within a single scan session for each patient. These incorporate high density receiver array and even novel ways in gradient coil designs that speed up (metabolic) MRI with an anticiptated acceleration of an order of magnitude.

The very first prototype worldwide of metabolic MRI dedicated for clinical use will become available at the UMCU and clinical projects are being compiled for the focus areas of cancer, heart/vasculature, regenerative medicine, child, infections, brain. Teams from Dutch UMCU’s will use our system, while plans have been compiled to take the scientific lead of the next 8 systems positioned worldwide (3 already confirmed) prior to FDA approval.

Side Activities

Non executive board member Tesla Engingeering (no shareholder); advisor in MRI technology, August 2019 - August 2050

Research Output (182)

Introduction of ultra-high-field MR brain imaging in infants:vital parameters, temperature and comfort

van Ooijen I. M., Annink K. V., Benders M. J.N.L., Dudink J., Alderliesten T., Groenendaal F., Tataranno M. L., Lequin M. H., Hoogduin J. M., Visser F., Raaijmakers A. J.E., Klomp D. W.J., Wiegers E. C., Wijnen J. P., van der Aa N. E. Jun 2023, In: Neuroimage: Reports. 3 6 p.

An RF coil design to enable quintuple nuclear whole-brain MRI

Dai Jiying, Gosselink Mark, van der Velden Tijl Antonius, Meliadò Ettore Flavio, Raaijmakers Alexander Jan Eberhard, Klomp Dennis Wilhelmus Johannes May 2023, In: Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 89 , p. 2131-2141 11 p.

In vivo phosphorus magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging of the whole human liver at 7 T using a phosphorus whole-body transmit coil and 16-channel receive array:Repeatability and effects of principal component analysis-based denoising

van den Wildenberg Lieke, Gursan Ayhan, Seelen Leonard W.F., van der Velden Tijl A., Gosselink Mark W.J.M., Froeling Martijn, van der Kemp Wybe J.M., Klomp Dennis W.J., Prompers Jeanine J. May 2023, In: NMR in Biomedicine. 36

A vision of 14 T MR for fundamental and clinical science

Bates Steve, Dumoulin Serge O, Folkers Paul J M, Formisano Elia, Goebel Rainer, Haghnejad Aidin, Helmich Rick C, Klomp Dennis, van der Kolk Anja G, Li Yi, Nederveen Aart, Norris David G, Petridou Natalia, Roell Stefan, Scheenen Tom W J, Schoonheim Menno M, Voogt Ingmar, Webb Andrew 10 Apr 2023, In: Magma - Magnetic Resonance Materials In Physics Biology And Medicine. 36 , p. 211-225 15 p.

Simulation-based evaluation of SAR and flip angle homogeneity for five transmit head arrays at 14 T

Harrevelt Seb D, Roos Thomas H M, Klomp Dennis W J, Steensma Bart R, Raaijmakers Alexander J E Apr 2023, In: Magma - Magnetic Resonance Materials In Physics Biology And Medicine. 36 , p. 245-255 11 p.

Deuterium body array for the simultaneous measurement of hepatic and renal glucose metabolism and gastric emptying with dynamic 3D deuterium metabolic imaging at 7T

Gursan Ayhan, Hendriks Arjan D, Welting Dimitri, de Jong Pim A, Klomp Dennis W J, Prompers Jeanine J 16 Mar 2023, In: NMR in Biomedicine. 36 , p. 1-14

Deuterium echo-planar spectroscopic imaging (EPSI) in the human liver in vivo at 7 T

Nam Kyung Min, Gursan Ayhan, Bhogal Alex A, Wijnen Jannie P, Klomp Dennis W J, Prompers Jeanine J, Hendriks Arjan D 2023, In: Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 90 , p. 863-874 12 p.

Feasibility of clinical studies of chemical exchange saturation transfer magnetic resonance imaging of prostate cancer at 7 T

Reesink D J, de Castro C S Arteaga, Van der Velden T, Van Vooren J, Oost P, Jonges G N, Lam M G E H, de Keizer B, Willemse P M, Meijer R P, Klomp D W J 2023, In: NMR in Biomedicine. 36 , p. 1-11

Metabolic profiling of colorectal cancer organoids:A comparison between high-resolution magic angle spinning magnetic resonance spectroscopy and solution nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of polar extracts

van der Kemp W J M, Grinde M T, Malvik J O, van Laarhoven H W M, Prompers J J, Klomp D W J, Burgering B M T, Bathen T F, Moestue S A 30 Nov 2022, In: NMR in Biomedicine. 36

Accelerating Brain Imaging Using a Silent Spatial Encoding Axis

Versteeg Edwin, Klomp Dennis W.J., Siero Jeroen C.W. Oct 2022, In: Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 88 , p. 1785-1793 9 p.

All research output

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