
dr. C.W. (Charles) Helsper

dr. C.W. (Charles) Helsper

Assistant Professor
dr. C.W. (Charles) Helsper
  • Julius Center, dept. Global Public Health & Bioethics



Main focus


Research coordinator: oncology in primary care - research projects;

Early diagnosis;

  • Dickens: duration of the cancer diagnostic pathway & potential to improve
  • Dickens II: Impact of COVID on the diagnostic pathway for cancer 
  • ABE: case finding of increased cancer risk - ovarian cancer
  • Risk perception and policy among GPs in different stages of their career


Shared decision making (SDM)

  • GRIP - the effects of SDM support by GPs after a cancer diagnosis
  • Choose Wisely -  optimal shared decision making support by the GP
  • Meaningful choice - role of the GP in hospital choice 


Structured primary care guidance during and after treatment

  • GRIP I (RCT) - Effects of strutured primary care guidance during cancer treatment
  • GRIP II - Optimal implementation of strutured primary care guidance during cancer treatment
  • Blanket (RCT) - Effects of treatment of fear of cancer recurrence in primary care



Lecturer at GP-specialty training and Utrecht University 

  • Evidence Based Medicine in clinical pratice
  • Primary care oncology
  • Teach the teachrer programs




  • MD: with a background in General practice (AIOTHO)
  • PhD: casefinding strategies for hepatitis C infection
  • MSc: Clinical Epidemiology



Biographical Sketch

Charles Helsper was born on the 9th of March 1980 in Pullman Washington (USA). After graduating from the Atheneum at the ‘Bisschop Bekkers College’ in Eindhoven and the first year of Health Sciences at Maastricht University, he studied Medicine at Utrecht University. During these studies he developed an interest for both the practice and research of primary care and prevention.

To put this interest into practice he combined the GP-specialty training with a PhD programme at the Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care at the Utrecht Medical Center. His PhD programme addressed identification strategies for hepatitis C infection from a primary care point of view.

During this combined programme he also successfully finished a Prestige Master in Epidemiology, worked as a lecturer at the GP specialty training, at Utrecht University and as an invited lecturer at the Centre for Research in Evidence-Based Practice at Bond University (Australia).

Currently he is working as a senior researcher at the Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care, with a focus on cancer in primary care. In addition, he works at the Utrecht GP specialty training and Utrecht University, with a main focus on improving the use and education of scientific evidence in primary care practice.




Side Activities

THINC.  Advisor - The Health Care Innovation Centre

THINC (The Healthcare Innovation Center)., as part of the UMC Utrecht Julius Center, contributes to the continuous development of scientific knowledge at the service of healthcare innovation. We combine state of the art scientific expertise in the fields of HTA (Health Technology Assessment), clinical epidemiology, public health, ethics, primary care and implementation. From the early innovation stages THINC can inform innovators on the anticipated working mechanism (causal pathways), usability, validity and (cost-effectiveness). THINC aims at a broad range of healthcare innovations including medical technology, devices, mHealth, eHealth and care pathways.   

Fellowship and Awards

- SBOH academiseringsprijs - artikel: Primary care management of women with breast cancer-related concerns-a dynamic cohort study using a network database. Sollie A, Helsper CW, Ader RJ, Ausems MG, van der Wouden JC, Numans ME. Eur J Cancer Care (Engl). 2016 Nov;25(6):1005-1014


- Academic GP Award 2012. Utrechtse prijs academische huisartsgeneeskunde. Universitair medisch centrum Utrecht


- Future Research Star Award 2010. European Society for Primary Care Gastroenterology

Research Output (52)

Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on breast cancer incidence and tumor stage in the Netherlands and Norway:A population-based study

Eijkelboom Anouk H., de Munck Linda, Larsen Marthe, Bijlsma Maarten J., Tjan-Heijnen Vivianne C.G., van Gils Carla H., Broeders Mireille J.M., Nygård Jan F., Lobbes Marc B.I., Helsper Charles W., Pijnappel Ruud M., Strobbe Luc J.A., Wesseling Jelle, Hofvind Solveig, Siesling Sabine Dec 2023, In: Cancer Epidemiology. 87 10 p.

Population-based impact of COVID-19 on incidence, treatment, and survival of patients with pancreatic cancer

Graus Merlijn U.J.E., de Hingh Ignace H.J.T., Besselink Marc G., Bruno Marco J., Wilmink Johanna W., de Meijer Vincent E., van Velthuysen Marie Louise F., Valkenburg-van Iersel Liselot B.J., van der Geest Lydia G.M., de Vos-Geelen Judith, Siesling S., van Hoeve J. C., Merkx M. A.W., de Wit N. J., Helsper C. W., Dingemans I., Nagtegaal I. D., van der Schaaf M., van Gils C. H., van Weert H. C.P.M., Verheij M., , , Oct 2023, In: HPB. 25 , p. 1195-1202 8 p.

Cancer detection during the COVID-19 pandemic—Experiences in primary care and recommendations for the future

Siepman Van den Berg Marinde F.R., Grant Matthew, van Erp Nicole, van Gils Carla H., Muris Jean, Brandenbarg Daan, van Asselt Kristel M., de Wit Niek J., Helsper Charles W., 14 Mar 2023, In: Journal of General and Family Medicine. 24 , p. 131-134 4 p.

Impact of the COVID-19 Outbreak—Delayed Referral of Colorectal and Lung Cancer in Primary Care:A National Retrospective Cohort Study

Helsper Charles W., Van Gils Carla H., Van Erp Nicole F., Siepman van den Berg Marinde F.R., Rogouti Omar, Van Asselt Kristel M., Maarsingh Otto R., Muris Jean, Brandenbarg Daan, Siesling Sabine, De Wit Niek J., Grant Matthew P., 25 Feb 2023, In: Cancers. 15

Effectiveness of a guided online primary care intervention for fear of cancer recurrence:A randomised controlled trial

Luigjes-Huizer Yvonne L., Helsper Charles W., de Wit Niek J., van der Lee Marije L. 2023, In: Psycho-Oncology. 32 , p. 1839-1847 9 p.

The Impact of the COVID Pandemic on the Incidence of Presentations with Cancer-Related Symptoms in Primary Care

Grant Matthew P, Helsper Charles W, Stellato Rebecca, van Erp Nicole, van Asselt Kristel M, Slottje Pauline, Muris Jean, Brandenbarg Daan, de Wit Niek J, van Gils Carla H 1 Nov 2022, In: Cancers. 14 , p. 1-12

Mental Health Morbidities and Time to Cancer Diagnosis Among Adults With Colon Cancer in England

Benitez Majano Sara, Lyratzopoulos Georgios, de Wit Niek J, White Becky, Rachet Bernard, Helsper Charles, Usher-Smith Juliet, Renzi Cristina 31 Oct 2022, In: JAMA network open. 5 , p. 1-15

Long-COVID and long-term cancer survivorship-Shared lessons and opportunities

Harada Taku, Schmitz Kathryn, Helsper Charles W, Campbell Grace, Nekhlyudov Larissa 24 Sep 2022, In: European Journal of Cancer Care. 31

The impact of the COVID pandemic on cancer diagnosis in general practice in The Netherlands

Grant Matthew, van Gils Carla H., van Erp Nicole, van Asselt Kristel M., Brandenbarg Daan, Muris Jean W. M., de Wit NJ, Helsper CW 30 Jun 2022,

The impact of the COVID pandemic on the incidence of cancer-related symptoms in general practice

Grant Matthew, van Gils Carla H., van Erp Nicole, van Asselt Kristel M., Brandenbarg Daan, Muris J.W.M., de Wit NJ, Helsper CW 30 Jun 2022,

All research output

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