
A.A.M.T. (Anouk) Donners PhD

A.A.M.T. (Anouk) Donners PhD

Research Staff Other
A.A.M.T. (Anouk) Donners PhD
  • Clinical Pharmacy

Research Output (16)


van der Zwet Konrad, Donners Anouk, Egberts Toine, van Vulpen Lize, Schutgens Roger E, Urbanus RT, Fischer K Oct 2023, In: Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Hematologie. 20 , p. 352–5

DosEmi study protocol:a phase IV, multicentre, open-label, crossover study to evaluate non-inferiority of pharmacokinetic-guided reduced dosing compared with conventional dosing of emicizumab in people with haemophilia A

Donners Anouk, van der Zwet Konrad, Egberts Antoine C G, Fijnvandraat Karin, Mathôt Ron, Kruis Ilmar, Cnossen Marjon H, Schutgens Roger, Urbanus Rolf T, Fischer Kathelijn 26 Jun 2023, In: BMJ Open. 13

The efficacy of the entire-vial dosing of emicizumab:Real-world evidence on plasma concentrations, bleeds, and drug waste

Donners Anouk A.M.T., van der Zwet Konrad, Rademaker Carin M.A., Egberts Toine C.G., Schutgens Roger E.G., Fischer Kathelijn Feb 2023, In: Research and practice in thrombosis and haemostasis. 7 , p. 1-9

Low dose emicizumab prophylaxis in haemophilia a patients:A pilot study from India

Bansal Shweta, Donners Anouk A.M.T., Fischer Kathelijn, Kshirsagar Shrinath, Rangarajan Savita, Phadke Varsha, Mhatre Shrutika, Sontate Bharati, silva Magdelene D’, Ansari Shahana, Shetty Shrimati 2023, In: Haemophilia. 29 , p. 931-934 4 p.

Functional determination of emicizumab in presence of factor VIII activity

Hamedani Nasim Shahidi, Donners Anouk Anna Marie Therese, van Luin Matthijs, Gasper Simone, Rühl Heiko, Klein Claudia, Albert Thilo, EL Amrani Mohsin, Pötzsch Bernd, Oldenburg Johannes, Müller Jens 2023, In: Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis. 21 , p. 3490-3500 11 p.

Quantification of emicizumab by mass spectrometry in plasma of people with hemophilia A:A method validation study

Donners Anouk A.M.T., Gerencsér László, van der Elst Kim C.M., Egberts Toine C.G., de Maat Moniek P.M., Huisman Albert, Urbanus Rolf T., El Amrani Mohsin May 2022, In: Research and practice in thrombosis and haemostasis. 6 , p. 1-9

Emicizumab Dosing in Children and Adults with Hemophilia A:Simulating a User-Friendly and Cost-Efficient Regimen

Bukkems Laura, Fischer Kathelijn, Kremer Hovinga Idske, Donners Anouk Anna Marie Therese, Fijnvandraat Karin, Schutgens Roger E G, Cnossen M, Mathôt Ron A 2021, In: Thrombosis and Haemostasis. 122 , p. 208-215 8 p.

Pharmacokinetics and Associated Efficacy of Emicizumab in Humans:A Systematic Review

Donners Anouk A.M.T., Rademaker Carin M.A., Bevers Lisanne A.H., Huitema Alwin D.R., Schutgens Roger E.G., Egberts Toine C.G., Fischer Kathelijn 2021, In: Clinical Pharmacokinetics. 60 , p. 1395-1406 12 p.

Vergelijking tussen factor VIII gemeten met een activiteitsassay en met massaspectrometrie bij patienten met hemofilie a

Donners Anouk, Van Maarseveen Erik, Weetink Yrea, Amrani Mohsln El, Fischer Kathelijn, Rademaker Karin, Egberts Toine, Hulsman Albert, Musson Ruben 8 May 2020, In: Pharmaceutisch Weekblad. 155 , p. 30-35 6 p.

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