
prof. dr. J.M. (Jeffrey) Beekman

prof. dr. J.M. (Jeffrey) Beekman

Full Professor

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Research Output (125)

Exploring intrinsic variability between cultured nasal and bronchial epithelia in cystic fibrosis

Rodenburg Lisa W, Metzemaekers Mieke, van der Windt Isabelle S, Smits Shannon M A, den Hertog-Oosterhoff Loes A, Kruisselbrink Evelien, Brunsveld Jesse E, Michel Sabine, de Winter-de Groot Karin M, van der Ent Cornelis K, Stadhouders Ralph, Beekman Jeffrey M, Amatngalim Gimano D 30 Oct 2023, In: Scientific Reports. 13

CFTR Function Restoration upon Elexacaftor/Tezacaftor/Ivacaftor Treatment in Patient-Derived Intestinal Organoids with Rare CFTR Genotypes.

Lefferts Juliet W, Bierlaagh Marlou C, Kroes Suzanne, Nieuwenhuijze Natascha D A, Sonneveld van Kooten Heleen N, Niemöller Paul J, Verburg Tibo F, Janssens Hettie M, Muilwijk Danya, van Beuningen Sam F B, van der Ent Cornelis K, Beekman Jeffrey M Oct 2023, In: International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 24 14 p.

Protocol for generating airway organoids from 2D air liquid interface-differentiated nasal epithelia for use in a functional CFTR assay

Rodenburg Lisa W, van der Windt Isabelle S, Dreyer Henriette H M, Smits Shannon M A, den Hertog-Oosterhoff Loes A, Aarts Ellen M, Beekman Jeffrey M, Amatngalim Gimano D 12 Jun 2023, In: STAR protocols. 4 , p. 1-28

Airway Epithelial Cultures of Children with Esophageal Atresia as a Model to Study Respiratory Tract Disorders

Dreyer Henriette H.M., van Tuyll van Serooskerken Eleonora Sofie, Rodenburg Lisa W., Bittermann Arnold J.N., Arets Hubertus G.M., Reuling Ellen M.B.P., Verweij Johannes W., Haarman Eric G., van der Zee David C., Tytgat Stefaan H.A.J., van der Ent Cornelis K., Beekman Jeffrey M., Amatngalim Gimano D., Lindeboom Maud Y.A. 5 Jun 2023, In: Children (Basel, Switzerland). 10 , p. 1-9 9 p.

Validating organoid-derived human intestinal monolayers for personalized therapy in cystic fibrosis

Birimberg-Schwartz Liron, Ip Wan, Bartlett Claire, Avolio Julie, Vonk Annelotte M., Gunawardena Tarini, Du Kai, Esmaeili Mohsen, Beekman Jeffrey M., Rommens Johanna, Strug Lisa, Bear Christine E., Moraes Theo J., Gonska Tanja Jun 2023, In: Life Science Alliance. 6

Targeted locus amplification reveals heterogeneity between and within CFTR genotypes and association with CFTR function in patient-derived intestinal organoids

Lefferts J. W., Boersma V., Nieuwenhuijze N. D.A., Suen S. W.F., Hajo K., Collantes N. Sanchez, Vermeulen C., Groeneweg T., Hagemeijer M. C., de Jonge H. R., van der Ent C. K., Splinter E., Beekman J. M. May 2023, In: Journal of Cystic Fibrosis. 22 , p. 538-547 10 p.

Use of 2,6-diaminopurine as a potent suppressor of UGA premature stop codons in cystic fibrosis

Leroy Catherine, Spelier Sacha, Essonghe Nadège Charlene, Poix Virginie, Kong Rebekah, Gizzi Patrick, Bourban Claire, Amand Séverine, Bailly Christine, Guilbert Romain, Hannebique David, Persoons Philippe, Arhant Gwenaëlle, Prévotat Anne, Reix Philippe, Hubert Dominique, Gérardin Michèle, Chamaillard Mathias, Prevarskaya Natalia, Rebuffat Sylvie, Shapovalov George, Beekman Jeffrey, Lejeune Fabrice 5 Apr 2023, In: Molecular Therapy. 31 , p. 970-985 16 p.

Readthrough compounds for nonsense mutations:bridging the translational gap

Spelier Sacha, van Doorn Eveline P.M., van der Ent Cornelis K., Beekman Jeffrey M., Koppens Martijn A.J. Apr 2023, In: Trends in molecular medicine. 29 , p. 297-314 18 p.

Impaired SARS-CoV-2 specific T-cell response in patients with severe COVID-19

Rümke Lidewij W., Smit Wouter L., Bossink Ailko, Limonard Gijs J.M., Muilwijk Danya, Haas Lenneke E.M., Reusken Chantal, van der Wal Sanne, Thio Bing J., van Os Yvonne M.G., Gremmels Hendrik, Beekman Jeffrey M., Nijhuis Monique, Wensing Annemarie M.J., Heron Michiel, Thijsen Steven F.T. Apr 2023, In: Frontiers in Immunology. 14 9 p.

High-throughput functional assay in cystic fibrosis patient-derived organoids allows drug repurposing

Spelier Sacha, de Poel Eyleen, Ithakisiou Georgia N., Suen Sylvia W.F., Hagemeijer Marne C., Muilwijk Danya, Vonk Annelotte M., Brunsveld Jesse E., Kruisselbrink Evelien, van der Ent Cornelis K., Beekman Jeffrey M. Jan 2023, In: ERJ Open Research. 9

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