
dr. G.D. (Gimano) Amatngalim

dr. G.D. (Gimano) Amatngalim

Assistant Professor

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Research Output (29)

Dynamic regulation of airway surface liquid pH by TMEM16A and SLC26A4 in cystic fibrosis nasal epithelia with rare mutations

Delpiano Livia, Rodenburg Lisa W., Burke Matthew, Nelson Glyn, Amatngalim Gimano D., Beekman Jeffrey M., Gray Michael A. 15 Nov 2023, In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 120

Exploring intrinsic variability between cultured nasal and bronchial epithelia in cystic fibrosis

Rodenburg Lisa W, Metzemaekers Mieke, van der Windt Isabelle S, Smits Shannon M A, den Hertog-Oosterhoff Loes A, Kruisselbrink Evelien, Brunsveld Jesse E, Michel Sabine, de Winter-de Groot Karin M, van der Ent Cornelis K, Stadhouders Ralph, Beekman Jeffrey M, Amatngalim Gimano D 30 Oct 2023, In: Scientific Reports. 13

Protocol for generating airway organoids from 2D air liquid interface-differentiated nasal epithelia for use in a functional CFTR assay

Rodenburg Lisa W, van der Windt Isabelle S, Dreyer Henriette H M, Smits Shannon M A, den Hertog-Oosterhoff Loes A, Aarts Ellen M, Beekman Jeffrey M, Amatngalim Gimano D 12 Jun 2023, In: STAR protocols. 4 , p. 1-28

Airway Epithelial Cultures of Children with Esophageal Atresia as a Model to Study Respiratory Tract Disorders

Dreyer Henriette H.M., van Tuyll van Serooskerken Eleonora Sofie, Rodenburg Lisa W., Bittermann Arnold J.N., Arets Hubertus G.M., Reuling Ellen M.B.P., Verweij Johannes W., Haarman Eric G., van der Zee David C., Tytgat Stefaan H.A.J., van der Ent Cornelis K., Beekman Jeffrey M., Amatngalim Gimano D., Lindeboom Maud Y.A. 5 Jun 2023, In: Children (Basel, Switzerland). 10 , p. 1-9 9 p.


Smits Shannon M.A., Rodenburg Lisa W., Amatngalim Gimano D., Beekman Jeffrey M. 1 Jan 2023, p. 537-543 7 p.

Measuring cystic fibrosis drug responses in organoids derived from 2D differentiated nasal epithelia

Amatngalim Gimano D, Rodenburg Lisa W, Aalbers Bente L, Raeven Henriette Hm, Aarts Ellen M, Sarhane Dounia, Spelier Sacha, Lefferts Juliet W, Silva Iris Al, Nijenhuis Wilco, Vrendenbarg Sacha, Kruisselbrink Evelien, Brunsveld Jesse E, van Drunen Cornelis M, Michel Sabine, de Winter-de Groot Karin M, Heijerman Harry G, Kapitein Lukas C, Amaral Magarida D, van der Ent Cornelis K, Beekman Jeffrey M Dec 2022, In: Life Science Alliance. 5 , p. 1-14

Drug Repurposing for Cystic Fibrosis:Identification of Drugs That Induce CFTR-Independent Fluid Secretion in Nasal Organoids

Rodenburg Lisa W., Delpiano Livia, Railean Violeta, Centeio Raquel, Pinto Madalena C., Smits Shannon M.A., van der Windt Isabelle S., van Hugten Casper F.J., van Beuningen Sam F.B., Rodenburg Remco N.P., van der Ent Cornelis K., Amaral Margarida D., Kunzelmann Karl, Gray Michael A., Beekman Jeffrey M., Amatngalim Gimano D. 21 Oct 2022, In: International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 23

Recurrent respiratory syncytial virus infection in a CD14 deficient patient

Besteman Sjanna B, Phung Emily, Raeven Henriette H M, Amatngalim Gimano D, Rumpret Matevž, Crabtree Juliet, Schepp Rutger M, Rodenburg Lisa W, Siemonsma Susanna G, Verleur Nile, van Slooten Rianne, Duran Karen, van Haaften Gijs, Beekman Jeffrey M, Chang Lauren A, Meyaard Linde, van der Bruggen Tjomme, Berbers Guy A M, Derksen Nicole, Nierkens Stefan, Morabito Kaitlyn M, Ruckwardt Tracy J, Kurt-Jones Evelyn A, Golenbock Douglas, Graham Barney S, Bont Louis J 16 Apr 2022, In: The Journal of infectious diseases. 226 , p. 258-269 12 p.

CRISPR-Based Adenine Editors Correct Nonsense Mutations in a Cystic Fibrosis Organoid Biobank

Geurts Maarten H., de Poel Eyleen, Amatngalim Gimano D., Oka Rurika, Meijers Fleur M., Kruisselbrink Evelien, van Mourik Peter, Berkers Gitte, de Winter-de Groot Karin M., Michel Sabine, Muilwijk Danya, Aalbers Bente L., Mullenders Jasper, Boj Sylvia F., Suen Sylvia W.F., Brunsveld Jesse E., Janssens Hettie M., Mall Marcus A., Graeber Simon Y., van Boxtel Ruben, van der Ent Cornelis K., Beekman Jeffrey M., Clevers Hans 2 Apr 2020, In: Cell stem cell. 26 , p. 503-510.e7

Getting neural about airway gland secretion

Amatngalim Gimano D., Ribeiro Carla M.P. 1 Apr 2020, In: European Respiratory Journal. 55

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