The Emergency Department (SEH) is open 24 hours a day for all UMC Utrecht and WKZ patients (both adults and children) requiring emergency care. You will find the SEH at the UMC Utrecht location.
Who do I call when?
- Life-threatening situation? Call 112.
- Non-life threatening (emergency) complaints during office hours: call your family doctor. Or call your specialist via the phone number of the UMC Utrecht outpatient clinic or WKZ outpatient clinic.
- Non-life threatening (emergency) complaints outside office hours: call the general practitioners post (HAP) in your region.
Route to the emergency room uitklapper, klik om te openen
- You drive to the UMC Utrecht. There, follow the yellow traffic signs 'Spoed / Emergency' to the back of the building. The Emergency Department has its own car park for patients.
- You can also reach the emergency room via the main entrance of UMC Utrecht. If you enter the hospital through the main entrance, follow the signs to the Emergency Department: a green square with a white cross.
- There is no emergency room at the WKZ. Both children and adults are welcome at the emergency room at the UMC Utrecht location.
Hoofddijk 23 3584 CW UTRECHT Reception 1 (level 0), UMC Utrecht location
There is no emergency room at the WKZ. Both children and adults are welcome at the emergency room at the UMC Utrecht location.
What do you take with you to the SEH? uitklapper, klik om te openen
- a valid identity document (passport, ID card, driving licence or foreigner's document)
- your care card / details of your health insurance
- details of your GP and pharmacy
- leave valuables at home as much as possible
- referral letter from GP or HAP
When to go to the emergency room? uitklapper, klik om te openen
- You can visit our Emergency Department (SEH) of the UMC Utrecht if you have been referred by the family doctor, general practitioner post (HAP), ambulance nurse, X-ray department or after consultation with your medical specialist.
- The Emergency Department of the UMC Utrecht and WKZ is open 24/7. We provide emergency care to both children and adults.
- You can find the SEH at Hoofddijk 23 in Utrecht.
- For questions, please call 088 75 666 66
Without referral the emergency room
If you visit the emergency room without a referral, the costs are covered by your deductible. If the bill is higher than your excess, you will be reimbursed for the extra costs. Even if your health insurer has no contract with the hospital.